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(Edit above is mine!  Please do not steal my work!  If I find out that someone stole this and made it their own.  You'll be dealing with me!  And yes I made that edit!  For the theme of this book!  OK now back to the story!)

"YA!! W-where are y-you taking me?"  I exclaimed, eyes: widened.  "Somewhere,"   said, Soo Min: calmly.  

I blushed harder, sweating.  "I never have met a girl like her...  Why am I like this-?"   I said in my head: then getting cut off by her words.  "COME ON!"  Soo Min exclaimed, pulling her into an area: a treehouse.  

She moved her head up to the treehouse, climbing up the steps: that were attached to the truck: of the tree.  My eyes widened: never seeing one before.  "H-hey!  W-wait for me,"  I stuttered: almost yelling.  I ran to the trunk of the tree, grabbing the stubs of wood: that stuck out the tree.  I made my way up there, reaching the upper portion: the house.  

"Like it?"  Soo Min questioned.  

I looked around, seeing graffiti on the walls, spray cans on the floor: dripping with paint, and books piled on top of eachother: next to a beanbag.  Papers of drawings drawn on them where everywhere.  

Pictures of scenery hung on a wall.  Flowers, streets, sidewalks, beaches, trees, and snowy days. Her family: in the background, smiling.  It gave off a clam, yet warm vibe.  Then in one picture: she stood there, smiling.  

She wore black jeans, a crop top, a large oversized bomber jacket: black, and a black hat: looking down.  She smiled in that picture, looking at as if someone else took it for her.  

Then fairy lights hung up, giving off a cozy, yet edgy vibe.  A desk: old, yet in good shape: filled with figures, papers, and more spray cans along with an old camera.  

"Y-yeah!"  I replied back.  She sat on the beanbag, grabbing the spray can from the floor.  "You see...  this is where I can express myself.  And I didn't bring you up here but brung you up here for a reason."  Soo Min said, softly, looking down at my feet.  

She looked back up into eyes, turning away: blushing.  She tried to hide her giggles, covering her laugh with her hand.  Her eyes closed whenever she laughed, making her look: cute?  

"So what's up?  What happened back there?"  Soo Min questioned.  "W-what do you mean?"  I stuttered, trying to avoid the subject.  "Huh..."  Soo Min hummed.  "What?"  I exclaimed, trying not to raise my voice.  

This subject, replaying in my mind made me angry.  I needed to punch something.  I needed to let everything out, yet I had to hold it in.  

"It looks like you don't want to talk about it, huh?"  She questioned, looking up at me.  I nodded, looking down at her.  "But seriously I've never seen anyone like you before.  It's weird, stumbling another person my age.  Then bringing you up here, knowing that I've never let anyone up here."  Soo Min said, looking down to the floor.  I nodded, listening carefully.  "Go on,"  I replied, looking down at her.  

I sat on the floor in front of her, placing my hand on my cheek.  "Okay, umm.  It's weird that people call me edgy because I'm a graffiti artist and crap.  Then I draw and dance.  And that I like to be alone: forever,"  Soo Min said, trying not to tear up.  Her voice broke, turning away.  "I guess...  she's been through some stuff as well,"  The voice in my head, echoed.  

I placed my hand on her shoulder.  "H-hey,"  I mumbled, softly.  She lifted her arm, revealing: scars, cuts, and bruises.  She pulled away, wiping her hair back behind her ear.  A slight wound: revealed, my mind: concerned.

  "Do you understand?"  Soo Min said under her breath.  She turned around and looked at me.  "Do you know how it feels to have parents like this?"  She asked again.  I listened, looking at her.  "How it feels to be freaking hit: over and over.  Almost every day, with a freaking belt."  She said, tearing up.  "I didn't even do anything wrong."  Her voice broke, trying to cover her tears.   

"Say something..."

"Yes,"  I muttered, bluntly.  

She glanced at me: tears in her eyes, showing great pain.  The person under her mask: revealed.  "Don't lie to me-"  She said: I cut her off.  "I'm not.  I'm on medication due to my phobia of sleep.  Or as you can say Somniphobia or Insomnia."  I muttered, bluntly: once again.  "Believe me now?"  I said, sarcastically.  

"Seeing that my mother is working for sex and enjoying it. While my father: gone.  That's why I cried.  I ran away from the church because he died.  My mother was there.  She muttered under her breath: stupid, fucking words about my father because she loved what she saw before her eyes.  So I ran away,"  I said, tearing up: almost crying.  

"I-I should get going,"  I said, heading for the exit.  

Before I could leave: my wrist: grabbed.


This chapter = bad  


Word Count: 828

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