the little one

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(A Fluff?! An I insane?! Yes I am!!)

Blue's P.O.V.

I walk back after 3 hours of training. I would keep going (Because I'm the Magnificent Sans!) But Alphes heard it hurts your baby if you over work yourself. So I'm fine with it.
Before even getting to Snowden. I feel magic rapidly going in and out of me. R-right now? But it hasn't bein 2 we- my thoughts are coverd in small bits of pain. I need someone to take me to the Inn...
I look around and see Alphes behind me. But not close enough to see what's happening. I wave my arms for her to come over and she gasp
"Your going into Creation!" She kinda sequels before grading and taking me to the Inn. She buys me a room and puts me in it. Then she calls for Undyn to come. She tells her and after a few minutes. She came.

Dust's P.O.V.

So cold... and so comfortable. Like a warm hug with cold hands. no no. I can't leave Blue...I...I flutter my eyes open and see Ink in the kitchen. But why?
"I-ink" I say in a week voice. He looks at me before rushing towards me
"What do you need?" He asked hastily. I wanted to get up so I moved my body
"Hay...I feel great. Where's Blue?" I asked
"Well. I thought he was training but...he could be in the Inn" he realizes
"The Inn?! We need to get there now then! He might be having our child!" I move out of the couch before feeling a giant zap go through me
"Ok. But don't move to fast and I'll take you" I agreed with a nod and we went to the Inn hastily. The lady already new why we were there and tould us to wait.
"Because he/she (yes Blue WAS a boy. But in this he has not magic. But it coverts into girl magic for bigypartw and such. I'm here for thoughs questions) is going through magic combustion! It will hurt both side of the family so don't get invold. Look. There almost done I'm sure" I growl and sit down and wait. Being the most worried I've ever bein. But I had time to think of names. And one I really liked was Grape. Grape sounds really nice...

"Its almost over pal!!" The screams from the room are defintly making me worrie...
"It's almost done! Keep it there!"
God it sounds like there hurting him... my feet start tapping at a rapped pace. Why couldn't they go to the lab?

~~time skip to 5 minutes~~

My head starts going crazy. The sound just stoped and I'm pacing.
"Damnit. I'm going up there"
"No! Trust me. I don't think you should"
"Well to bad" I walk into the room I figured would the there by the fact Alphes weapon is here. I take a breath and reach my hand for the nob. But the door swings wide open with a big loud
"Dust! Get up he- oh! Your here!" Undyn says. I look at her and she got  of my way. I look over to Blue houlding a smaller skeleton. My worried face turns to pure happiness. For not only seeing he's ok. But by also seeing our child. I walk over there.
"Dust. Isn't she beautiful?" Blue ask
"Yeah. She really is" a put my hand on Blues shoulder.
"I think you should name her. She doesn't look like a Sprinkle to me. She looks more like a..."
"Grape. She looks like a Grape with thoughs purple blushes" I answer for Blue
"Yeah! Grape it is" we both know what happens now
"Um. If you want your child to be safe wall forming. I can take her to my lab? It will take two days though" Undyn ask. I new it would be hard for Blue to disside. But I'll let him
"Just don't hurt Grape. Please" Blue asks. Undyn nods and give Blue a green shot
"Now. You to can head home. By 2 or 3 days. She'll be supper safe!"
Blue gets up and gives Grape to her.
"Thank you"
Undyn and Alphes nod and leave the room. And we both look at each other. And know what we want to do. We Teleport home. With Blue in his room and me in mine. Waiting for Blue to get ready.
"I missed this"

Words = 749

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