Overdue Doctor's Appointment

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Date 12-13-17

Surprise! Here's the second chapter because it's done and I'm excited about it XD

But I probably won't update again until next week. I'm not sure yet :)

Also, the quote above is just something I found on amnesia that was interesting.

Enjoy the chapter!

Word Count: 3256


Chapter 2: Overdue Doctor's Appointment

I'm able to forget about the incident I was in, just focusing on being Stiles and nothing else. That is, until it's time to film the scene I've been so excited for.

"And... Action!" I hear someone say, propelling me into the scene in the parking garage. I'm just glad that I'm wearing long sleeves in this scene because it hides the gauze on my arm. I'd rather not have to explain that.

I have the bent keys to the jeep in my hand that Peter had just crushed. "So you're not going to kill me?" I ask as Peter goes to leave in his dead nurse's car.

Peter pauses, turning back to me with an unreadable expression and stepping towards me threateningly. "Oh... god." I choke out as I take an uneasy step away.

"Don't you understand yet?" Peter questions me with narrowed eyes and a dubious tone. "I'm not the bad guy here." Peter tells me like it's obvious.

"You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs, and you're not the bad guy here?" I retort with the usual amount of Stiles sarcasm.

"I like you, Stiles." Peter says in a way I can't interpret to be good. I exhale in disbelief, probably looking as worried as I feel.

"Since you've helped me, I'm going to give you something in return." Peter goes on as if he's doing me a favor. "Do you want the bite?"

I stop breathing for a second, staring at Peter in shock. "What?" I can only say that one word through my stupor as I try to comprehend what he's offering.

"Do you want the bite?" Peter repeats slowly with more emphasis like he's speaking to a child that's getting on his nerves.

We stand there in silence until he starts a speech on the pros and cons of accepting his proposal. "If it doesn't kill you, and it could, you'll become like us."

"Like you." I say, feeling the disgust at my own words, thinking of all the horrid things Peter has done.

"Yes, a werewolf. Would you like me to draw you a picture?" Peter inquires sarcastically, which I ignore as I stare at the ground in thought.

Peter takes another step forward, but this time I stay put. "That first night in the woods I took Scott because I needed a new pack. It could've easily been you." He informs me. "You'd be every bit as powerful as him."

Peter keeps reciting his sales pitch while I contemplate if it's worth it to allow the Alpha to bite me, transforming me into a werewolf. "No more standing by his side, watching him become stronger and quicker, more powerful. Watching him get the girl. You'd be equals." Peter pauses for dramatic effect as he lets the truth of his words sink in. "Maybe more."

He reaches towards me, grabbing my arm and slowly lifting it up next to his face within biting distance. I watch, my heart racing wildly as my vision blurs to just the image of Peter and the fangs that are waiting to sink into my arm. Then my world fades away as the dormant memories from last night come back to me.

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