A Previously Level-Headed Guy

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Released on August 11, 2018

So... I know that this was put up a bit past midnight. I've been working on this chapter since 4pm, getting distracted multiple times.

Plus the chapter was longer than expected.

And I only had 300 words when I started writing today...

Writing has been harder lately. I just find myself doing everything but writing (possibly bc I'm trying to simultaneously watch 10 or so shows... I can't help it)

Plus I wonder how hard it will be to write the next chapter.

Like this one is a turning point in the story. We're basically halfway through the book now, and I had to figure out exactly how this chapter was going to go.

To keep the explanation short: How I wrote this part of the story would determine the length of the entire book.

And when it's an important decision like this, I get anxious and stressed. But once I start writing, everything gets easier and I realize I should've wrote at least half of the chapter before, bc procrastination is a big thing to stress over as well.

But all is fine now :)

On to the chapter! Enjoy

Word Count: 2768


Chapter 21: A Previously Level-Headed Guy

I'm stuck between slightly uneasy and uncomfortably on edge for the next few days.

With watching over Holland, avoiding Tyler's suspicions, trying to convince Holland that she should wait as long as possible to meet Phil, and struggling with my own heightened senses, I'm having a bit of trouble balancing out my life.

I do everything I can to keep Holland busy while covertly testing her forming abilities.

Her parents are confused as to why we're spending so much time together, but they don't complain as long as I give them a few hours alone with their daughter every day.

I know I technically agreed to let Phil officially meet Holland in two days, but it had been three and I'd managed to keep her away from him.

Today I take Holland out to lunch to get away from her parents for a few hours. We brought our take out to the same park as last time.

She was feeling cold and it was hot outside, so it seemed fit to sit at a picnic table under the sun.

A tree provides shade on my side of the table while hers receives the relentless heat of the sun, so it works out well.

"Am I supposed to be having any other symptoms yet?" Holland inquires as we start in on the food.

I take my time chewing and swallowing the piece of fried chicken in my mouth.

"Um... there's not really a set time or date." I reply, coming up with it on the spot because I know that she's a bit past the time she should be getting her heightened senses.

I don't want to tell her that I'm not sure what's going on with her, and that she's behind schedule, according to how things went with me.

We grow quiet for a few minutes, falling into a comfortable silence as Holland soaks up the sun rays, no longer shivering in her light jacket.

"What are your plans for work?" My friend speaks up, slowly lifting her fork to her mouth.

"I um... I haven't really thought about it." I confess, remembering that Tyler and I had a similar conversation days ago and my answer was the same.

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