Who's With Me?

249 16 33

Date 12-25-17

Merry Christmas everyone! As you can see, I have a present for you! It's a new chapter that you get to read early XD

Now I have to go spend more time with my family :) Happy holidays!

I hope you enjoy this chapter

Word Count: 2662


Chapter 4: Who's With Me?

I think I know what's happening the next day, when I wake up feeling better and fully healed. I try to ignore it and pretend that I'm still normal, but it gets more difficult throughout the day to do that.

The only good things I can think of in this situation are that I wasn't plagued with nightmares last night, and the Alpha's bite didn't kill me.

"Good job everyone! Five minute break." I hear someone say through my hazy thoughts. I've been like this all morning, just sort of going through the motions. I can't really help it. I keep thinking of the bite and the Alpha, then I get overwhelmed and have to block those thoughts out again. But they keep coming back.

I flinch as I hear a strange pounding noise behind me. I spin around, only to see my best friend Tyler walking up to me. My breathing is too loud in my head, and I suddenly feel a headache coming on. But all of that disappears when he speaks up.

"Hey, Dylan. Are you okay? You seem kinda off today." Tyler says to me with a frown, patting me comfortingly on the shoulder.

"Yeah, man. I'm just tired." I answer nonchalantly, hoping he doesn't see through the lie.

"You feeling better? You know, I've been worried since the whole attack thing." Tyler confides, making me smile at him for being such a caring friend.

Russell comes up to both of us, having heard our conversation and wanting to join in. "I've been meaning to find some time to talk to you about that, Dylan. Did you get your memories back?" He asks me, worried about the state I'm in.

I'm so glad I thought up a story while getting ready for work this morning. I couldn't tell him about the Alpha Phil and how I'm a werewolf now. Or at least, I think I am.

"Actually, I did. After the guy hit me in the head, I made a run for it and ran through someone's yard on the way to my apartment. There was a large dog on a leash there and it attacked me when I crossed its path." I tell the director while Tyler listens in.

I feel bad for lying, but I have no other choice. Who would believe me, even if I did tell the truth? They'd all think it's a joke.

"Wow. So you're okay now?" Russell asks me.

"Yeah. I'm keeping my arm wrapped up, and it's healing fine." I tell him with a forced smile, trying my best to act natural. I may be an actor, but it's so much harder to act in my regular life, rather than in a show or movie.

"Great! Well I'd better go take care of a few things before we start filming again." Russell announces before nodding and hurrying away.

"Hey, Dylan." Tyler says hesitantly as I watch the director going to talk to the camera crew. I turn to him to show that he has my attention.

"I wanted to ask you a favor." He tells me as he runs a hand nervously through his hair.

"Okay?" I say to prompt him to go on.

"Well, you know I have my own apartment, but I've been having problems with it. My neighbors are too noisy, and I eventually talked to the manager of the building to get it sorted out." Tyler explains.

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