Kayo x Fem!Reader

876 12 17

Requested by: @kiradela

Character: Kayo Sudou

Date: EC 841: Before/During Enbizaka Murders

Kayo's Status: Alive, Possessed by Demon of Envy

Reader's Status: Female, Jakokuese, Shop Owner

Extra Info Added by me: Owner of Clothing Shop, Kai and co. does not exist

NOTE: I was too lazy to research an actual plot for Kayo, so I'm just going to BASE this off the song. However, this only applies to Kayo and no other characters (unless I say so)

3rd Person P.O.V. (Kayo Ver.)

"Now, time start tailoring..."

Enbizaka is such a peaceful town, yet very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, boring for nothing of importance ever happens.

Yet, there was a woman, a fine tailor, who was the talk of the neighborhood. Her name was Kayo Sudou, and she had her eye on a girl who is the owner of the clothing shop.

Kayo had always kept her eye on her ever since her house was set aflame. She had lost her family during that time, a Len clone, a Gakupo clone, her pink pet octopus, her sister who doesn't exist in the canon but exists here for the sake of this fanfic and is also a <favorite female vocaloid> clone, her harem of fan boys, etc., at least that's what she thought...

Kayo was walking on the street one day when she saw (Y/N) walking with another girl, discussing about something. Kayo looked at (Y/N) and the girl she was with.

She was (basically insert a Mayu/Haku in a white Kimono)

Kayo looked at the white girl with pure hatred and jealousy, and she ran away. "So that is the kind of clothing you like..."

That night, she went straight to work on a white kimono, using the scissors that her mother has given to her. She sharpened her scissors before putting it through the white kimono, making sure she has it done before sunrise.

The next day, the town was talking about something; a crime had happened yesterday. This was very big (no innuendo intended) big news to the townspeople because Enbizaka is very peaceful place as said in the canon and the beginning of the story.

Kayo was walking around the town when she heard this news. "My, what might the commotion be all about" Kayo murmured to herself "Well, I mustn't let this ruin my day..."

A/N: Yes, I know Kayo doesn't talk like that, but in fan fiction "Anything is possible"... at least, I think Kayo doesn't talk like that

Kayo was then walking by the river for another walk that will most likely let her see (Y/N) again, when she saw (Y/N) by the bridge (I knew it).

(Y/N) was looking down at the river, and she seemed to be upset. She was wearing a (F/C) colored kimono with a (Other F/C) sash.

Flat-chested-Luka*cough, cough* Er, I mean, Kayo Suduo was about to approach (Y/N) when a (Favorite yellow male vocaloid)- clone approached (Y/N) her.

He was wearing a fine blue kimono with a yellow sash that suited him very, very, very well.

He was comforting (Y/N) as if he's done it a million times.

Kayo was filled with a mixture of rage, envy (of course), and sadness.

'Why is she being so unfaithful to me?' Kayo thought to herself before running back to her home. "Why do you like that?"

That night, she was fixing up a yellow sash, being careful not to let anything stain the yellow cloth, she let her scissors through the yellow sash, getting it done before sunrise.

The next day, the townspeople were speaking of a murder that had happened last night, by now; some of the townspeople were getting scared or mad.

Kayo was walking by a nearby clothing/accessory shop. She was walking (fast) when she saw (Y/N) in the clothing/accessory store, giving a golden hairpin to a little girl who seemed like a 14-year old Rin clone.

'Has she finally lost her sanity?' Kayo thought 'But she is so young!'

Kayo ran back to her shop and started to begin her work, when she finished it; she had the dress of the perfect woman that (Y/N) would love. She had a white kimono, a yellow sash, and a golden hairpin in her hair.

Kayo wore it and admired how beautiful she looked in the mirror, but now that it is finished, all she had to do was find (Y/N)...

Kayo searched (Capriccio Farce: SEARCH FOR HER, SEARCH FOR HER, UP, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, OR HIDDEN IN THE SHADOWS BELOW OUR FEET!) entire town for (Y/N), but to no avail. However, Kayo was determined to find her "wife/sister/cousin/etc.", so she went out of Enbizaka. She looked around the outskirts of the town, and after 30 seconds of searching, she heard a familiar female voice, sobbing.

Kayo looked through the trees and saw (Y/N) sobbing next to a tree. She was wearing (Favorite kind of Japanese clothing).

Kayo approached her, "Darling, look!" she called (Y/N) "Don't you think I'm beautiful? Beautiful like a fish with 6 fins?"

(Y/N) was a little startled by the sudden voice, and she immediately stopped sobbing, "Hello, have we met before?" (Y/N) said.

"Darling, don't you remember me?" Kayo grabbed (Y/N)'s arm "I'm your wife/cousin/sister/etc."

"I'm sorry" (Y/N) said "You must have mistaken me for someone else"

"Why don't you remember (love) me?" Kayo said "I love you this much, and this is how you treat me!?" Kayo grabbed her scissors from her pocket and raised it in the air "I have killed people for you!"

Before (Y/N) could react, she was stabbed by Kayo Sudou's scissors

. . .

"If only, you hadn't forgotten..."


Okay! This one was more of a comedic fanfic than an x Reader (or maybe a bad x Reader... meh, I'm not good when it comes to first chapter love stories). Also, sorry for the fact that this is basically the song in my own words, I PROMISE you that this will not happen again, I cross my non-existent heart.

Okay these are the next 2 requests I plan to do:

First: Duke Sateriasis Venomania (which will be lemon/smut because he is the sinner of Lust that a million fangirls want to join his harem willingly... I expected this...)

Second: Nemesis Sudou (Which SHALL bring the feels to 'yall... I like sad love stories)

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