Chapter 1: Missing You.

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Angelic Language is Armenian.

Dean's POV

I crawl out of hell and only one thing is on my mind, Castiel. I have to find Castiel, I have to warn him. "Dean, where are you going?", asks Crowley king of hell. I freeze. 

"Nowhere, my lord.", I say turning around. God, I hate this bitch. What I wouldn't give for a hamburger and a beer. The truth was I was sneaking off to go see Cas. I miss Sam. I miss Cas in his cute trench coat. 

"Squirrel.", Crowley says.

"Yes, my lord.", I reply. Another thing I hate about Crowley is that I have to call him my lord all the time. 

"You're still thinking about him aren't you?", Crowley says.

"I can't help it, my lord.", I say. "He is my friend."

"Dean, forget him because you are never going to see him again.", Crowley demands, "Now go back to your room."

I go back to my room in hell and send a message to Castiel using the angelic language. 'Yes ch'ei karogh de anel ays yereko' (I couldn't make it tonight.)

'Inch'u?' (Why?), he replies.

'K'roulin indz brrnel er.' (Crowley caught me sneaking out.), I say. I then hear footsteps coming towards my room. 'Yekek' gnank' mekin galis e , Kastiel.' (Got to go someone is coming, bye Castiel). 

'Voghjuyn, dekan',(Bye, Dean) replies Cas. Then I cut the link between us right as the door opens. 

"Dean, I'm sorry for the way I acted when we were up on the surface. But, you got to know by now, that I want you for myself. That's why I keep you down here.", Crowley says coming in and closing the door. 

"I know, but it is hard leaving the people in my life alone.", I say.

"You have me.", Crowley says.

"But what about Sam?", I ask, "He needs me. He can't hunt things on his own."

"Sam is fine and will continue to be fine if you stay here.", says Crowley. "Also, you don't have to call me my lord anymore."

"Ok, I will for Sam.", I say wishing my brother to be safe and happy that I don't have to call him my lord anymore. Once he is gone I connect to Castiel again. 'Yes k'yez sirum yem, Kastiel.' ( I love you, Castiel).

'Yes k'yez sirum yem, Din.' (I love you too, Dean.), he responds.

'Bari gisher.'( Good Night). , I say. Boy, am I glad Cas taught me angelic before I turned into a demon and was taken away from him never to see him again or so they thought.

'Bari gisher.' (Good Night), he responds. 

Demon Dean

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Demon Dean

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