Epilogue: Destiel.

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Dean's POV

"Where is it?", I ask holding onto the man's neck.

"Dean it's right here.", I hear Sam say. I release the guy and then turn around and see Sam with my white silk tie.

"Thanks.", I say tying my tie and then I hear the music playing and then I run to the doors and just in time, me and Sam make it to the doors.

"Ready?", he asks me.

"As ready as I'll ever be.", I respond the doors open and reveal the alter and I see Castiel in an all white suit with a black tie and I am in a black suit with a white tie. The music to carry on my wayward son begins and I walk down the aisle holding a bouquet of hunter knives. What? You didn't except flowers did you?

"We are gathered here today to see the union between Dean Winchester and Castiel. The couple have their own vows to share. So, Dean would you like to say your vows.", says the priest.

"Castiel, I love you, doesn't get more simpler than that. But, we're family now. We need you, I need you, and I plan to love you forever. Even if I die, which will probably happen more than once. I know you will always save me from hell, purgatory, hell wherever I am. I know you will always be there for me, just like I will always be there for you.", I say . Then Cas says his vows.

"Dean. You're my family, I love you. I love all of you. All of your flaws, and hell you are perfect to me. And I will love spending the rest of my life with you. I love you Dean, and I will always save you. You mean so much to me and I will never let you go.", He says and I hear a few sniffles from the crowd.

"Now that you have said you're vows. Bring forward the rings.", the priest says. We put on the rings. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom." We kiss and everyone claps. 

"I love you, Castiel Winchester.", I say. Yes, he took my last name because he doesn't even have one.

"I love you too, Mr. Winchester.", he says.

10 years later

"Daddy!", Destiel says.

"Destiel, how is my little man.", Cas says looking over to me in the doorway.

"Little", he says offended. "I'm 5 years old Daddy."

"Sorry, my big man.", Cas says tickling him. This is my family and I wouldn't change it for the world.

 This is my family and I wouldn't change it for the world

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Dean and Cas's Kid

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Dean and Cas's Kid

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