Chapter 5: Road Trip

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Dean's POV

Sam is so jealous. I know just the thing that will cheer him up.

"Road trip", I say slamming my packed bag on the table. 

"What?", he asks looking up from his computer.

"Come on, pack up.", I say going out to my baby. While waiting for Sam one of my favorite songs came on and I danced to it. A few minutes later Sam comes out of the motel room and gets in the car. I start the car and them Sam starts talking.

"So, where are we going?", he asks. 

"Lebanon, Kansas.", I say.

"What's in Lebanon, Kansas?", he questions.

"Rowena.", I say. 

"What?", he asks looking at me like I grew a second head. "Did you just say Rowena as in Rowena Crowley's mother?"

"Yeah, so?", I reply while shrugging.

"So? Why are we going to see her?", he says.

"Why else? To kill her.", I say. The rest of the car ride was quiet and passed by quickly. I drive over to the diner and get out of the car without waiting for Sam. I see Rowena sitting at the bar.

"Rowena", I say.

"Dean", she says.

"Rowena", says Sam finally showing up.

"Sam. What are you two doing here?", she asks.

"Crowley sent us to get you.", I say.

"Really? Why would he send the Winchester's to come get me?", she asks. Cynical woman.

"Because I am a demon.", I say. Flashing my black eyes and then turning them back into my original hazel green eyes.

"Fine. Let me finish my drink.", she says. After she finished her drink I led her through the back door and into the deserted alley way letting the angel blade that I stole from Cas slip down my jacket sleeve into my hand. 

"So, where is your car?", she asks turning around.

I stab her with the angel blade and she drops lifeless to the ground. I leave the blade so, Crowley knows that an angel did it. 

"Come on Sam, Let's go.", I say to Sam who was silent the whole time and then we went back to the motel before Cas got back from taking Jack into heaven. Now time to go see my angel.

 Now time to go see my angel

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