Chapter 14: Together Forever.

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Cas's POV

"Castiel.", I hear in the darkness. Suddenly I am lifted upward towards the sky,... I think, and then suddenly I am crawling at of a hole that was made in the dirt. I looked around and see a deserted car and drove to the nearest payphone. I pressed this button on the car and a voice says "Where would you like to go today?", it asks. 

"A payphone.", I say.

"Ok. Turn left.", It says, "Then drive straight, turn left, turn left." On and on it told me directions on how to get to a payphone. I get out of the car and go to the payphone and dial Dean's number that I memorized by heart. 

"Hello?", he questions.

"Hello Dean.", I say, "I am at payphone #11 by the church.

"On my way", he replies then hangs up before I can say anything else. Later on in the night I see 2 headlight come down the alley way. Dean. He gets out of the car, "Cas?", he asks shocked.

"Dean", I say and we walk towards each other. I can't believe it. I'm back and Dean is... Dean is.... crying? "Why are you crying?", I ask.

"I missed you so goddamn much. Don't you ever do that to me again!", he says hugging me tighter. 

"I won't, I promise.", I say. "You still haven't answered my question from before Dean."

"What question?", he asks looking confused, but there is a mischievous glint in his eye. Oh, I know what he wants me to do. So, I decide to humor him.

"Well, I don't know if you don't remember it might not be important.", I say trying to hold back my smile.

"Cas, ask me again please.", he pleads.

"Alright.", I say searching my trench coat pockets. I finally find what I have been looking for, and i get down on one knee and start my speech. "Dean, since I first met you in hell, I knew you were the one for me, nothing could have changed that. When we fought side by side it felt so right to be there with you. So, I am going to ask you a question that will change both of our lives together. Dean, will you do me the greatest honor and be my husband.", I say presenting Dean with the ring that I bought while waiting for him to drive here. Earlier I didn't have a ring and I saw a jewelry shop and went browsing and there I saw the perfect ring for Dean.

"Yes.", he says. I smile and stand up and hug and kiss him.

"Am I the best man?", Sam butts in ruining the moment.

"Sure.", I reply. Looking back at the love of my life and in that moment, I knew we were going to be together forever.

 Looking back at the love of my life and in that moment, I knew we were going to be together forever

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Dean's Ring that Cas bought.

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