Chapter 3: Reunited with Castiel.

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Dean's POV

What the fuck? Lucifer has a kid? And he was here in hell the whole time? On the other hand, I get to see Castiel again. Finally, I missed him so much. I come out of my room and walk down the hallway and turn the corner only to run into someone and fall on my butt. I look up and see a boy in chains and two lower demons holding the chains. 

"Are you alright, Dean?", one of the demons ask.

"I'm fine.", I say standing up, one of the demons go to slap the boy, but I stop him "Don't it's not his fault, I wasn't looking where I was going. Who is this?", I ask.

"Lucifer's son, Jack. ",  he replies.

" I have him, you two go", I say sternly grabbing hold of he chains and leading him back to my room. I look around and see no one in the hallway with me besides Jack, I push Jack into my room and undo his chains. "Are you okay?", I ask, but by the confused look he gives me I don't think he can understand me. So, I repeat my question in his language "Lav yes?"  (Are you okay?).

"Ayo" (Yes), he responds. " Inch'pes yek' imanum ays lezun" ( How do you know this language?).

"Im ynker K'astiely"( My friend Castiel), I say " Na sovorets'rets' indz, t'ye inch'pes petk' e khosel ays lezvov" (He taught me how to speak this language). 

"Yes gitem Kastilin"( I know Castiel), Jack says. Suddenly we hear screaming in the hallway and then the door is bust down then he walks in. Castiel.

"Dean", says Castiel, he runs forward and hugs me. 

"Cas", I say hugging him back.

"Ov e sa?"(Who is this?), he questions, switching languages so that Jack could understand what we were saying.

"Sa Jek'n e" ( This is Jack), I reply.

"Jek'"(Jack), Cas says shocked.

"Ayo" (Yes), Jack replies, smiling.

"Yekek' gnank' gnank'" ( Come on we have to go), Cas says grabbing Jack's hand and then he grabs mine. " Shtapek'" (Come on hurry).

I run after Cas and faintly hear Crowley calling my name.  We run faster until we see a glowing blue door. Cas lets go of Jack's hand and pushes him through the door first and then me and Cas follow behind him still holding hands. When we come out the other side, I instantly know we aren't in hell anymore. We are in a old rundown motel back on earth.

"I'm back", I say relieved. 

"Dean", says an unknown voice. I turn around to see...

Castiel and Dean hugging

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Castiel and Dean hugging

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