Chapter 9: Forgetting Cas.

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Dean's POV

"Dean, Dean, Dean. What am I going to do with you?", Crowley says as he circles around me, and I can feel his eyes lingering on my ass. "Who owns you?", he asks.

"Cas.", I say. He slaps me across the face and grabs my hair and forces me onto the ground. 

"Not anymore. I own you, Chuck gave me a brilliant idea to wipe your memory of Cas, and that is what I plan to do.", he says his grip tightening on my hair.

"No!", I say struggling to get out of his grip, but 2 demons step forward and grab my arms. Crowley starts chanting this unknown language that I've never heard of and then Cas's face slowly is fading from my memories. Memory after memory fades away. How we met, how we fought together, lastly the moment we finally kissed. All of them gone. The last thing to leave my memory was Cas's famous saying "Hey Assbutt." Cas, Cas, Cas, C- Who is Cas? Then I black out, I wake up on the floor by Crowley's throne. 

"What am I doing here?", I ask.

"You fell asleep on the floor.", Crowley says.

"Sorry." I say putting my head down.

"It's okay, love.", he says while petting my hair. 

Then all of a sudden , I hear a voice in my head say, "Dekan: (Dean)." I shrug it off as a drowsy wake up call. I stand up and walk back to my room and go back to sleep.

Him's POV

Finally I am out of that hell hole, literally. I have been there for years, planning my revenge. He left me all alone, so he is going to pay. I'm coming for you Dean, you and everybody you love. I walk around getting used to this world and catching up on what I missed. Then I see Sam, Dean's brother. Hmm. I blend into the shadows and watch as he walks by, maybe he can lead me to Dean. So, I followed Sam back to this motel and to my surprise No Dean! I am so angry right now. If he is not here then where is he?  Where is he? Hmm. If I was Dean where would I be? Well his car is still here. There is a bar across the street. I will go see if he is in the bar. I walk over to the bar aware of many people staring at me, I know I am good looking but jeez people. When in hell, I aged 10 years, but I am still handsome. I look around the bar and I can't find him. Where is he?!! You can't hide forever Dean, I will find you just like you found me.

Cas saying Assbutt

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