Terrans: Humans

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The native species of Terra, they have joint representation with the Nears, Engeas, and Magis on the council.


Human history is the bloodiest of all the species. They have constantly divided themselves into tribes and fought with their neighbors over resources or religious beliefs. The species was also fractured by gender and exterior appearance, but starting mid 20th century and lasting till the end of the 21st century these gaps where bridged.

Achieved consistent space travel at the end of the 21st century and was mostly conducted by the US, China, Australia, and multiple corporations. During the last Terran war Humans created genetically altered people known as Nears and animal/human hybrids known as Engeas.

War ends with the union of America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and American Luna as the Interplanetary Terran Alliance (ITA). The Lunar Democratic Republic (LDR), Mars, and Australia retain their independence.

War breaks out between the ITA and asteroid mining corporations. The creation of the direct high velocity light drive by the ITA aloud for a quick and total victory.

With the creation of the warp drive, Humans and their fellow Terrans achieve interstellar capabilities that lead to first contact.

Modern Culture

Most Humans live on Terra, Horus, Demeter, and Hecate in the ITA, or Dirawong, Orion, and Gemini 3 and 4 in Australian space. Considerable numbers of Humans live on much smaller colony worlds and interspecies worlds.

Humans are usually monogamy, living in mated pairs for the bulk of their life. This practice is often officialized by ritualistic ceremonies.


Humans do not have one main religion like most other species, but rather a host of them. About half of religious Humans are monotheistic, either Islamic or Christian with a small number of Jews. The other half is mostly compose of non-theistic and duotheistic.

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