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Native to Ava, the Avins are one of the three original member species of the Council. They are most well known for; their pyramid based architecture, their long lasting technology, their elegantly designed weapons, sacrificing half a billion of their own people to their gods, starting a war with the Myrens and the Pīērin, and having their civilization nearly destroyed by their own reversed engineered technology.


Most early Avin history has been erased either by their religion or by carpet bombing. What is hypothesized to have happened is the complete and total unification of the entire species under a single religion and dialect.

This religion was not found of history or record keeping, destroying most of the historical records leading up to that point and not bothering to record events that follow.

Eventually the practice of sacrificing members of their own race fell out of favor, leading to a new age. Advance metallurgy, steam power, and record keeping led to an end to the stagnant part of their history and they advanced rather quickly to space born civilization.

Unlike every other civilization to develop FTL technology, the Avin figured out how to build the smaller and faster internalized warp drive before figuring out the larger and slower conventional warp drive. Also in contrast to other civilizations, they developed FTL in a little under two year (a little over two Terran years) after their first major breakthrough in FTL technology, eight times faster than the next quickest civilization.

Shortly after achieving FTL, they made first contact with the Myren and for reasons still not quite understood, started sacrificing them in thanks to their gods. This event started the hundred light year war that eventually ended in the formation of the Council.

Modern Culture

Past their home world of Ava, the Avin population can be found in its largest numbers on Sheer'at'a, Hosh Na, and Neer'ak'tee. They have then have a large host of planets that they have a single small settlement on, looking to establish a foothold on as many planets as possible.

Much like the other two original races of the Council, the Avins have little understanding of the concept of gender. While they have males and female members, there is no easy way of confirming a members gender except through procreation.

Each Avin has the ability to regulate their level of sex hormones. To use Terran terminology, this can make them more masculine or feminine. While masculine an Avin is more attracted to more feminine members of their species and vice versa.

Avins take a single spouse, but do associate procreation with marriage or even love. In the old days the marriages were arranged by the priest, modern days though matches are made using advance computer algorithms with veto power in the hands of the individuals.

As there is a 25% chance of a couple being male/male, adoption is an important part of society. The adoption process is handled by logistics computers that ensure that they are always enough eggs to go around.


Not much in know of the Avin faith system. This is because the Myrens did their best to destroy it. What is know is that there were hundreds of gods with each major point of worship having their own pantheon of major gods. While the gods frowned upon unnecessary loss of life, this was not them valuing life but being protective of their source of sacrifices.

Now the only remainder of the religion are their pyramid temples and their runic script.

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