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The happy inhabitants of Myra, the Myrens are more numerous than any other species.


Relevant Myren history does not start until they enter the genetics age. Prior to this the planet existed in an unstable peace kept mostly through lack of drug or sex laws. With the advent of genetics the Myrens began the elimination of drugs by reengineering the populous to naturally be in a state of euphoric bliss. Within eighty years everyone under twenty had been modified this way.

In the advance of technology slowed at this point, and did not truly restart until they were threatened by overpopulation two hundred years latter. In this time they had cured most diseases, slowed their aging, accelerated their healing, and made changing a gender easier than changing a shirt .

As overpopulation became a problem, they accelerated their space program from ion engines to nuclear pulse engines. As they began to develop the technology required for antimatter production they started noticing spatial anomalies around the substance. Eventually a negative mass byproduct was isolated from the substance.

These were used to create FTL ships know as warp riders. Massive rings of accelerated negative mass would expand space behind the ship, pushing through space at speeds faster than light. Such a drive system was incredibly dangerous, many ships blew up, others had their entire crew killed by tachyon radiation, some stop working halfway to their destination, and some just disappeared.

These FTL ships where used for scouting missions and science missions that preceded colony ships driven by torch engines and later light drives.

They made first contact when the Avins located one of their colonies and slaughtered the population as a sacrifice to their gods. During the conflict a Myren warp rider attempted to flee and was destroyed during an superluminal chase.

The Avin antagonized the Myrens for many years with the Myrens get little more than a few lucky hits with their rail guns. The conflict changed when they made contact with the Pīērin. The Pīērin had captured Avin ships and technology which they shared with the Myrens. The Myrens played an important role as foot soldiers during the conflict that would later be called the hundred light year war.

Now holding their own against the Avin, the Myren got access to Avin genetics. They adapted their gender changing technology to change species instead of gender. These new Myrens that looked like Avins were space dropped on the Avin home world where they started a guerrilla warfare that eventually forced the Avin to surrender.

After the war, the modification spread throughout the entire population and was upgraded to include first the Pīērin, and latter the Blait, the Svek, the Corin, and the Humans.

Modern Culture

The Myren are found on almost every world and have a population close to that of the next two races combined. Their main worlds of occupation though are Myra, Gona, Hosh Na, Inana, Garesk, and Modon.

There is a saying, if a Myren looks at a family tree of the last four generations, the entire Myren population will be included. This is a lie, they only need to look at the last three.

Myrens marry in groups of up to six. These groups are usually divided into groups of two with these two being considered soul mates while the others are just mates. Due to this, the Myren language has 93 such words for sibling, each unique in its meaning.

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