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The native race of Vemit Ca, know for their large size and warrior culture.


Records indicate the first Blait came from the mountains where they had evolved to cling to steep cliff faces with hardened toes and grasping fingers. As with other intelligent life forms, they became bipedal when they began to carry tools, these tools fed their intelligence, and their intelligence encouraged the creation of more advanced tools. Within a blink of the eye on the cosmic scale of history, they had developed language and culture and had spread across the entire surface of their planet.

Several different breeds of Blait developed in different environment across the planets surface, each with nuances to their culture. The massive savanna at the center of Vemit Ca's main continent while not the most fertile of land, was flat and easily traversed, leading to it being the center of civilization throughout Blait history.

In early history, life on the savanna was harsh, limited water and limited food led to neighboring tribes raiding each other for resources. This cycle of constant fighting and death led to a code of conduct that all tribes followed. This code emphasized honor on and off the field of combat, set morals, and defined gender roles.

With more permanent structures being built and advancements in metal work leading to the invention of the deadly sword, death tolls skyrocketed while collateral damage became more significant. Several tribes tired of the same old song and dance banned together and delivered an ultimatum to their neighbors, join us, leave us alone, or die.

At first, most tribes ignored the alliance and their ultimatum. When one tribe struck at one of the alliances outlying tribes, ten days latter the tribe's chiefest was dead and the alliances flag flue over their camp. After this the other tribes started noticing them.

In a year, the alliance managed to abolish war from the savanna, but this did not cut away at the Blait's need to accumulate honor through combat. To satisfy this need, the tribes created war games with nothing at stake but honor.

As technology increased and trains and boats were invented, the culture of the savanna Blaits reached out to the other breeds and the planet was united in peace. Space travel came about and progressed to the point of asteroid mining. Blait's did not invent any FTL system, but stole one.

An Avin exploration mission, ignoring Council policies, entered into the space controlled by a non-interstellar race, and in complete disregard to several other Council laws, proceeded to abduct an indigenous from a passing mining ship for study.

The Avin's underestimated a Blait's tolerance to pain, and their abducted escaped their restraints and killed the entire crew of the ship. They were then rescued and the ship was taken back to Vemit Ca where it was dismantled and studied.

The warp engine was reversed engineered, and fearing hostile aliens, war training commenced.

Modern Culture

Blait's provided the Council a trial by fire. As the first new member race to join after the Council's original creation, it helped flush out problems in the councils design, introduce precedents about gender, taught the council the basics in disarming a hostile race peacefully, and a beginners lesson to dealing with racism.

While their original culture can still be found on a few smaller colony worlds, their main planets of Vemit Ca, Vemit Na, and Nee Vemit have drastically changed since joining the Council.

They have maintained their sporting leagues and sport stars posses military ranks. While no species can hope to outcompete a Blait in any of their traditional war games, Blait have opened their leagues to all other species, and have started leagues for many other species major sports.

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