Terrans: Nears

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Nearly Human, Nears are an incredibly diverse group of subspecies.


After several years of experimentation, Humans developed a new strand of DNA that produce a life form identical to a Human in all characteristics, but could be manipulated to add new traits. This allowed for the easy creations of hundreds of new subspecies.


Pseudo Ursa






Modern Culture

Nears are completely interwoven with the Human race. While the occasional purity group attempts to remain separate, Nears function socially as Humans.

Nears of all subspecies can interbreed, a child from such union does not result in a mixing of species, but either full one or the other. The unused species lies recessive and may not resurface for several generations. A Near/Human offspring will always be born a Near.


Nears are almost always Agnostic. They just don't care enough to formulate any opinion on the topic.

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