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Native to Avlic, these four armed hunters are the devoted allies of the Australians.


Like many sentient species, the Avlicin started off as tree dwellers. For reasons unknown, these tree dwellers moved into the flat lands adjacent to the forest and evolved into fast hunters.

They lived in a peaceful tribal based civilization for several thousand years after the invention of written language. Eventually, one tribe figured out mathematics and philosophy. Armed with these two new discoveries, the Avlicin started making headway into architecture and advance agriculture.

From there it follows trends in Terran history, ancient Greece, Roman empire, a world war, a cold war, a space race. It wasn't till alien ships arrived, parked themselves in high orbit and demanded that the Avlicins end war, end hunger, and end poverty that the species truly united.

Modern Culture

The Avlicin occupy a small pocket of space on the edge of Australian space with most of their population concentrated on their home-world of Avlic.

Their culture separates the population into several castes. Unlike other cultures, a person is not born into a caste but assigned to it based on proficiencies that they demonstrate. These castes are; religious, political, scholar, warrior, and labor. The caste are each divided into several sub caste that mean there is no clear line of progression between the castes, while a soldier from the warrior caste ranks higher than a farmer from the labor cast, a starship mechanic also from the labor cast out ranks the same soldier.

A person's caste and exact placement in the cast also lends to whom they may mate. High ranking members of the religious caste may not take mates, but lower members may take mates of similar rank from either their caste or the political caste. The political caste at the lower ranks mates with the religious caste and amongst themselves, but at the higher rank are required to take a mate from the scholar caste. The scholar caste mates amongst itself with little observation of rank and a few, usually but not necessarily of high rank, mate with the political caste. The warrior and labor caste, unlike the others, are not monogamous. The warrior caste only takes one mate at a time, but do not take a mate for life, instead breaking off relationships whenever required by their line of work. The labor caste mates in large family units of as few as two people, as many eight people, usually with no more than four of a single gender.

Currently, the Avlicin work closely with the Australians, supplying them with soldiers, transporting cargo, and doing exploratory missions.


Avlicin have no hard cut religion, but instead each has their own tribal gods and spirits that must be appeased. The average Avlicin does this though simple prayer, while the religious caste must take great strides to appease the gods so that they will continue answering others prayers. These rituals are wide and varied, differing from each priest and acolyte, and are always subject to change based on the availability of resources.

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