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Native to the tidally locked Veck, the Svecks are a lot less involved in politics than any of the other races.


Seven eighths of the Sveck's home world is coated in ice. This ice covers most of the planet's land mass, leaving a few large islands in the one patch of melted ice.

Is was near the center of this patch, in perpetual summer, that the Svecks evolved. They evolved along the coast and relied heavily on the ocean for resources.

As their population increased, they were forced to expand out away from the tropics, pushing up against the hostile perpetual winter, and after the dawn of nuclear age, into it.

The Sveck, incredibly desperate for any solution, achieved space flight using nuclear pulse engines. Using this technology, they built space stations, colonized nearby planets and moons, and mined asteroids.

Through the usual means, they developed FTL technology and made it to the stars. Shortly afterwards a coalition of Council members made first contact with them.

Modern Culture

Around 5% of the Sveck population lives on Vek with another 20% living elsewhere in the star system. Unlike the other races that seek out habitable planets or terraform worlds to meet their needs, the Sveck establish colonies on barren airless planets where they built domed cities with carefully controlled environments.

Sveck cities are constructed with the habitation area built under a massive dome with houses, parks, beaches, and canals. Under the habitation area is a series of subway tunnels with the space in between dedicated to hydroponics and aquaculture responsible for feeding the city. Underneath this is the life support systems and water purification systems.

Svecks have the most obvious sexual dimorphism of any race, with the females having brown skin, and the males having grey skin and a few more centimeters in height.

Sveck do not get involved in monogamous relationships like the other species, but arrange themselves into pods of five to twelve individuals with two to five males among the group. The male is then responsible for taking care of the children while it is the females to job to work.


Svecks believe in ditheism with a benevolent nature deity protecting them from the destructive force that threatens to crush them. The exact form the two force take changes from planet to planet and the myth and legends that surround vary widely, but the two two concepts of light and darkness are found in all their belief systems.

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