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The natives of the planet Cora, this short species are the Terran's greatest allies.


Corins experienced a relatively peaceful early history. Extreme heats and low light levels caused by their planets close proximity to its red dwarf sun caused the Corins to develop as a nocturnal race. For thousands of years, they lived in a small patch of jungle surrounded by dessert. It wasn't till the invention of tents that the Corins could safely cross these massive deserts, gaining access to the rest of their planet.

Many civilizations sprung up, but they always maintained peaceful relations with their neighbors. This peace lasted several thousand years and technology slowly rose over the time.

With the advent of electricity, each nation suddenly had higher resource requirements. The boards that had been so carefully arranged to provide adequate farmland for all nations where suddenly in flux. Rivers were dammed, farmland strip mined, and forests destroyed.

After the first initial rush, the economy was destabilized, which led to the time of the warlords. Seeking stability, people put into power those that promised the easiest solution to the problem, the easiest solution being to take what they needed from others.

After several bloody decades in which weapon technology increased from bow and arrows to automatic guns, the fighting slowly came to an end as the populations of all the nations decreased enough that they could now support a technologically advanced society with there original amount of land. The planet lived the next few hundred years in a tense but peaceful setting.

Advances in astronomy shortly after the waring times led to an interest in space. No one nation could support such endeavors, so all the nations banded together to develop the technology needed and provide the raw resources required to launch probes and eventually people.

Asteroid mining led to increase in population as resources became available, eventually leading to the planet being considered cramped or crowded. This led to a mass exodus upon the perfection of warp drive and the discovery of easily inhabited planets.

Approximately forty Cora years (twenty Terra years) after the first Corin warp drive they began seeing signs that they were not alone. This led to several sightings and confrontations with aliens that were often to brief to be considered anything more than ghost stories.

Eventually the Corins deployed a surveying ship to a distant planet in preparation for a new colony. By chance, an alien ship was also present doing the same thing.

Modern Culture

Corins are inseparable from there Terran allies. Despite having separate chairs on the council, the two of them share a single governing body. The bulk of Corin population lives on Cora, Mezark, and Horus, but have a presence on most major ITA planets including Terra. Additionally there are several other less populated planets that have a Corin presence.

Corins live their entire life in pairs. They are born twins and grow up closely with their sibling. When they reach the age of physical maturity they begin to take mates, and when they are in between or without one they are with a friend or family member. Sometime after reaching the age of emotional maturity they will take a life partner. A life partner is often times a mate, but this is not exclusively true and is subject to fluctuation over time.


While most Corins are Atheist or Agnostic, there is still a large Nosh following.

Nosh is a bitheism concentrating on their moon and their sun. Their two deities are depicted at different stages of life with different relationships; competitive siblings, passionate lovers, and loyal friends. Their names are Nomia (moon), and Lemish (sun).

Each god holds a complementary piece to the universe; day and night, fire and water, sleep and wakefulness, pain and fear, luck and hope, past and future. This dualism extends to the dead. When a person parts from the living, their memories are recorded and stored by Lemish and their personality goes to Nomia where they reside in blissful ignorance.

It is foretold that at the end of time, Nomia and Lemish will leave their realms to live in the land of the living. Nomia will bring with her any worthy personalities and Lemish will bring with her any memories of worth. Many will be reunited with their memories, but a massive library will still be maintained by the blank of mind.

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