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The natives of Kalta, the Kaltin hail from a planet of hexapeds and are newcomers to the galactic stage.


The Kaltin have seen the usual rise and fall of civilizations, Babylon and Egypt, Persia and Greece, China and Rome, Austria and Germany, USSR and USA, UN and EU, the only real difference was that no naval superpower rose to existence because of the lack of interconnected oceans.

Their history becomes interesting after aliens come into the mix. The Kaltin have been an interplanetary civilization for nearly a century, and has colonized one planet in their system capable of supporting life and begun work terraforming a second.

Unlike the other races, the Kaltin have accepted the speed of light as law and have made no progression into any FTL technology, but have instead modified themselves to better survive the riggers of space. The have long ago shed their fur and coded themselves an immunity to radiation. Their muscles and bones no longer deteriorate in microgravity and all six of their limbs can act as crude hands.

The soon begin launching interstellar generation ships. Its at this point that they are noticed by the Terrans, both the ITA and Australia. Kalta is situated right along the dividing plane that separates the two. Fearing that the Australians would annex the Kaltin much like they did the Avlicin, the ITA moves without the approval of the council. They intercept the interstellar ships and set them up at applicable colony worlds, they sent covert missions to Kalta where they quietly fead information on FTL technology to the scientific community. Only after the Kaltin had successfully built a warp capable ship did the ITA report their discovery.

Modern Culture

Kaltins are still new to the galactic stage and 80% of their populous lives in their home star system, with 35% on Kalta, 25% on Marka, 15% on Darga, and 5% distributed amongst the many space stations and mining ships. On the interstellar scale they can be found most commonly on Kogon, Veron, and Demeter.

Male Kaltins are distinguished from females by their horns. Any other sexual dimorphism that might have existed was removed over the centuries of gene therapy.

Kaltins, much like Terrans, are monogamous and only take one mate at a time. Among the population of Kalta and Marka a mate is eventually found through fate, but amongst the space faring portion of the population the ideal mate is found through advance computer analysis and their children programmed in a lab.

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