08. papa this is nice

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"changkyunnie, come and have your breakfast" kihyun called out from the kitchen

"what did you make papa? is it cereal and uyu?" changkyunnie questioned his papa as he walked into the kitchen

"no changkyunnie i made waffles. do you like eating cereal with uyu in the morning?" kihyun picked up his son to put him on his lap to feed him breakfast

"i dont like it but that was what they gave us for breakfast," changkyun explained while chewing on the waffle, "papa this is nice. i like it"

wonho waited patiently for his son to finish talking before expressing himself. "kihyun ah what about my breakfast?" he faked a pout to get his boyfriend's attention

"its there, you can help yourself, i want to feed my changkyunnie"

wonho smiled as he picked up 2 pieces of waffle, he didnt expect his boyfriend to spoil their child to the extend of feeding him just to get his heart. he then cut a smaller piece and put it in front of kihyun's mouth, "eat up, you need energy if you're going to spend the whole day playing with changkyunnie."

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