09. because you stink

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after breakfast, kihyun suggested that they should get changkyun ready for the day. however, they had to get ready first before they get their son ready. as kihyun made his way to the bathroom, kihyun's heart melted when he heard his boyfriend's wise words "changkyunnie ah, you have to promise me that you will be a good boy and you will listen to what papa and i tell you. we love you with all our heart and we will take very good care of you okay?"

"darling are you okay? you have been standing there for like 5 mins already, arent you suppose to bath or something because if you havent get ready we cant get changkyun ready and our family outing would be delayed"

"ah i was just thinking about something, i'll go get ready now"

"what was papa thinking about?" little changkyun was running around the living room when he heard what his dad said

"i dont know sweetie, come here, lets watch a movie while we wait for papa to finish getting ready"

[after 35 mins of waiting, kihyun finally got ready]

"changkyunnie lets get you ready for the day" kihyun walked into the living room to find his son taking a nap with his boyfriend, "hey, wake up my love, you need to be cleaned because you stink"

kihyun carried changkyun to the toilet to give him a wash up before putting him in clean clothes and diapers. he also forced wonho to get ready at the same time.

"scrub scrub my little changkyunnie, scrub scrub" kihyun sang as he cleaned up his precious baby. wonho couldnt help but giggled at how adorkable his boyfriend sounded.

after cleaning changkyunnie up and changing his diapers, kihyun allowed changkyun to choose which outfit he wanted to wear for the day. and kihyun was glad that changkyun chose the outfit that would match with kihyun just to show wonho that he had won changkyun's heart.

after kihyun helped changkyun with his clothing, kihyun started taking pictures of his precious little baby. "what are you taking pictures for?" wonho questioned already pouting

"one, it is for memories. two, i want to make an instagram page for changkyunnie and three, why are you pouting?" kihyun reasoned out his reasons

"well then, one, why would you make an instagram page for my precious baby. two,....."

"dADDY !!"

"sorry changkyunnie. two, why is he matching outfits with you? thats not fair." wonho pouted as little changkyunnie ran to him to give him a hug.

"daddy, i want to look like papa today" changkyun explained as he hugged his dad's leg

KiHo: Young ParentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora