10. ahhhhhhhhhh Daddy its cold

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after taking pictures of changkyun, wonho carried changkyun as he waited for his boyfriend to lock up the door. it would be their first time going out as a family so wonho told kihyun to double check if he brought all of changkyun's essentials such as diapers and milk. 

early that day when they were cuddling on the sofa, kihyun and wonho decided that it would be fun to bring changkyun to the beach. although kihyun tried to reject the idea due to the cold winter wind, wonho told kihyun that they can watch the sunset together. as a family. 

as they reached the beach, no one was there. wonho thought that it would be great so that no one would disturb the peace of the family outing. for an hour straight kihyun watched as his boyfriend and his son played near the shore of the sea. he felt so warm inside as he knew he had a full life ahead of him. he has a family to take care of. its no longer just wonho and kihyun. they cant just have a fight and break up because they now have a precious little boy. im changkyun. 

"ahhhhhhhhhh Daddy its cold" kihyun heard the whining of his son from far

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"ahhhhhhhhhh Daddy its cold" kihyun heard the whining of his son from far. 

"dont go near the water, changkyunnie, i dont want you sick!" kihyun screamed back as he looked at his boyfriend to warn him about letting their son getting into the water. wonho looked at his son before whispering something into his ear. changkyun giggled as he started running around the in circles. i guess they're playing catching then, kihyun grinned 

out of nowhere, wonho ran towards kihyun to grab a towel. "why do you need a towel for?", kihyun looked like he was ready to punch wonho in the face, "wHERE IS MY BABY?"

wonho ran back to where they were playing before kihyun could throw a punch onto wonho's face. little changkyunnie ran out of the water, his body still shivering in cold as wonho wrapped him in a towel. 

for the rest of the day kihyun never let wonho touch his son

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for the rest of the day kihyun never let wonho touch his son. they were making their way back home and kihyun was sitting at the back seat with changkyun and he was hugging his precious small boy in a towel around him. kihyun was still mad at wonho for letting changkyun go into the freezing cold water. 

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