You Ain't Going Noooowhere - 8.

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Friday, July 10, 2020
Houston, TX

"Braxton, please.." I pleaded as he cried his little heart out. I'm really not sure what's wrong with him but he's been cranky every since I woke him up this morning. He was always such a happy, energetic baby so I'm really not sure why he was in such a bad mood today. Makes it no better that he wanted to play with all his toys while I was trying to pack up, so now he's having a fit.

As I packed the last few things up, he began kicking and screaming, throwing a temper tantrum. I looked at him as he coughed with snot running down his nose and tears all down his face.

"You really going to give me a hard time like this B?" I asked him, rolling my eyes. His chest heaved up and down and he stopped crying for a quick two seconds until he was back to hollering and screaming.

"I-I want my daddy!" He yelled through his sobs. I frowned to make sure that I heard correctly.

"You want who?" I picked him up, trying to comfort him but he still was screaming like I had whooped his ass.

"I want my daddy!" He said much louder.

"Well you're not getting him. Sit up and act right." Me saying that only made him kick and scream even more. The noise was giving me a headache and I wasn't in the mood to deal with this shit today.

"Stop crying before I give you something to cry about! I haven't even whooped you but I will. Stop it, right now."

He caught my stare and slowly began to stop the crying. He sat on the bed, laying on his stomach with his head down. He looked at me and noticed I wasn't playing. Those tears dried up real quick.

I was still stuck on the fact that he said he wanted his daddy. I never thought that would've happened. Especially not so soon. He had grown an attachment to Jay quick, which is a good thing in our case.

Once I was finished packing all our things, I sat him up and demanded that he walk on his own. It was only 9 AM, but our check out time was at 11 AM. Our plane leaves at 1, so until then we'll just chill out at my parents house until it was time to go.

I returned the hotel keys and headed to my car while holding my baby's hand. He was still lagging around so I'm guessing he's still upset with me. He'll eventually get over it though. I deeply sighed as I contemplated on the situation I was in.

Jay and I haven't spoken to one another since he told me we were never getting back together. I was still hurt by that, but I won't make the same mistake again by keeping Braxton away because of my own selfish reasons.

Once I had him settled in his carseat, I got in and pulled out my phone. I nervously scrolled through my recents to find the unsaved number that belonged to my baby daddy. Yes, I deleted his number. That's what happens when you're upset and in the moment.

I watched as the call rung out. I was getting ready to hang up until he finally answered.

"Yeah?" He answered in a groggily voice which lets me know that he's probably just waking up.

"I'm leaving at 1. Braxton wants to see you and if you want him for the weekend, he can stay."

"Alright, drop him off now."

Without another word, I hung up in his face and headed over there. I took my slow time driving on purpose but also because my mind was weighing heavily on the situation Jay and I was dealing with. Last night kept flashing in my head and it made me upset everytime I thought about it.

In no time, we were arriving at his place. I parked in the driveway and got Braxton out. He obviously knew exactly where he was and who he was seeing because he perked up and was suddenly happy as hell.

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