Hanging On (Part 2)

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Hope u are happy since I basically need to think as many way this story will have more scenarios in it

And don't worry the scene u guys wanted is coming.

The gang just came over to have a little chat with Shu and Valt (mainly Valt) to make sure that they don't feel any tension since the last couple of accidents that happened just a day ago. Wakiya didn't like this at all, being his stubborn self he refuses to go to Valt's house, at first when Daina thought of the idea, he punches some stuff, then just basically wreck everything in his path. A few moments later, he finally calm down from his tantrum and went with the crew. They were at the corner of the street to Valt's house.

"Okay guys, stick to the plan, got it."

"Alright." They all said in unison

A 'ding Dong' can be heard throughout the Aoi's residence, the twins were the one who opened the door, since Valt was still stunned from the small peck on the forehead. Soon, the all came in the room to see Valt's face in at least 10 shades of red all huddled together in one place. First, Honcho looked at the other guys at confusion then looked at Valt again. He tried to figure what was going on but he doesn't have time for that.



"Is that bread spicy or something cause you're full on red."

"About 10 shades of them." Daina added

It's about time that Valt snapped out of his sudden stun and focus back to reality. Valt stuffed the last piece of bread into his mouth and wandered over to the group, this time they were sitting on the couch instead of the wooden floor. Honcho was the one who brought up the first question to start easy, as time went the whole crew was laughing and snickering about all of the dumb and numbskull question that Valt asked. Then it's finally the time for the crews secret plan.

Awhile ago, Daina spotted that Shu and Valt was closer than ever, don't get me wrong they're childhood friends, but this was too close for comfort (in a good way). Kensuke and Daina decided lead Shu to a scavenger hunt first, and the prize was seeing Valt at the stadium  where their first battle took place about five years ago where they also got their Bey. Meanwhile, Honcho and Wakiya lead Valt to a 'where am I?' game starting from Valt's house. The twins begged to tag along but of course they're too young and innocent to see two boys having a whole new meaning of 'friendship', as they took separate ways.

( Le time skip, sorry everyone I'm in a hurry! 😓😓)

Shu's POV:

I was reaching the end of the scavenger hunt that Kensuke and Daina made for me to kill time, but at this point I was a little bit confused at the riddle from the last sentence, usually I'm good at solving at this kind of riddling and walking kind of quest, but I guess I lost my streak this time. No matter how hard I think, this one was a brainer:

"You reached your final destination
Where you feel a tingling sensation
First you looked at what begun
One will find you before anyone."

What do they mean by the one? I mean aren't there at least 7 billion people on this planet so how could I know which one is looking for me. I sighed at confusion, but I can't give up now, I came all the track here to just give up midway? I don't think so. I looked at the riddle again to see the last two sentences I missed:

"This place is full of memories
Where you will find it a treasury"

Full of memories huh? I think I know where the last destination is...

Valt's POV:

Almost done with my riddles already! Can't believe I'm that fast of a thinker, although I'm tired of all of the walking and thinking at the same time, I'm nearly there I can feel it. The last clue said that another note will be found on the oddest wall, but how can I tell how odd a wall is? When I walked for what seemed like hours, I finally found a selection of walls surrounding me, my luck.

This is going to take me an hour or so, if I don't hurry up, I might miss the prize! So, I randomly ran I directions of sorts, north, south, east, west, I kept running 'till I found a note stuck on a wall that looked odd out of the walls I ran into, as a sigh of relief and tiredness escaped my mouth, I can still read it though the sweat was covering my eyes.

"This is the place"
Where there's hope and grace
Where memories took you back
"And keep track of the one you met"

The one I met? I mean it's hard already so why make it harder? Then there's this sentence 'where memories took you back' I knew Honcho usually brings my childish personality out more than it should. For a few moments, I was literally struggling at this hell hard riddles.

Just then a thought hit me straight in the face.

I ran with all my might...



Never knew that this part 2 can be intense to write, 959 words.

I screamed at the riddling parts, and sumtime struggle at the rhyming parts. My bro said it was so cheesy and corny that the two of us screamed together (otaku siblings!)

The part u want will be coming out soon...

Anyways, see ya in the next chap!


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