Long Time No See...

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SUPER craze
SUPER cringy

Anyways enjoy reading!!!

Shu has finished his riddles, and went to the place where he is supposed to meet 'the one' by the spot.

And by spot, I mean the stadium that Shu and Valt both battled about 5 years ago. Almost drained out, the both of them managed to get there on 6:50 PM, with the sunset is taking place, the whole gang hid in the bush and waited. They don't care if they got bitten by freaking damn bugs, they just wanted to see the ship happen just like you guys, Honcho carried another bush behind them so he can squeal and enjoy the whole drama. The plan was at the end, the crew would jump out of their hiding spot and basically just fanboy all over them how cute they were and how the ship happened.

Finally the moment have arrived, Shu was a living sweat bucket, his legs were gonna collapse at any moment, Valt was near the stadium with his mouth gaped open. Both of them were tired and out of breath, when the both of them looked up to see who is the one opposite to them, but when they did

They are... happy?

Shu can not believe his eyes, Valt was the one he's been chasing all morning?

He kinds doubted it, but as soon as he remembered he was on a 'where am I?' hunt as well, he was shocked and happy at the same time. Looking at Valt's tired face, Shu got up and helped Valt stand, he looked a bit surprised and there was a part of his face was blushing madly. Valt said nothing as he looks to the ground, and took Shu by the hand.

Shu's POV

He took me by the hand, which kinda make me feel all fuzzy inside, but some how it disappeared since Valt wasn't looking at me but instead the ground. It was awkward I might add, it was really a bit sad to see your crush not even noticing you. There was a silent moment, until Valt broke it.



"How do I tell...how I feel about...them."

I was hurt, I didn't even knew that Valt was actually crushing on someone, it hurt me as I think of what I might answer him, I mean, I don't like him to go with someone else because I am being over protective, but I'm just scared that the person he's going to confess with, is just gonna break his heart open. He's really not good at holding back stuff, that's what I'm worried about.

"Um, how about you tell them to meet somewhere, and tell them."

It was the silent mood again

Nothing was easy for me, but how could Valt not tell me, if he said it to me first, then I might at least help him with his issues on confession stuff. Later, Valt gave a nod of understanding and looked up, his big brown eyes were gazing at at me, like he's trying to tell me something., if people said that eyes can tell you anything, then how could I not know? It just seemed like he never wanted to break the eye contact.

Then, there was some rustling at the rim of the road

I was half expecting to see Honcho and the other guys looking for me and Valt, but something's not right...these footsteps were harsh, hitting concrete road, a wave of agitation hit me. I knew it was him.

The one and only, Lui

Being alerted, I went in with a guarding pose, heck even Valt was stunned, if Lui ever did anything to him, he's going to pay bad. Pushing Valt behind me in a protective stance, I thought as where this might end.

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