OC Heads Up!

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Uk, so here are mah OC's plus meh friends. They are freaking genetic experiments, all the girls are bladers.

Let's go!

My OC:

Name: Sheila Kurenai ( the name Sheila originally came from Japan and Latin)
Age:11.1 | Gender: Female
Appearance: Large hawk wings, one red eye with a scar and one amber eye, long grey with blue streak hair, casual clothes.
Personality: Badass, tomboy, determined, strong, warmhearted
Hobbies: Flying, beyblading, kick some good asses.
Bey: Sibyllic Shero| bey moves: Night strike and light strike
Family: Shu kurenai (sibling)
Shipped with: Ken Midori

Locketkeeper 's OC

Name: Aiko Chiaki
Age:11 | Gender: Female
Appearance: Shift-shape, dark pink eyes, long green hair, a chinese and Japan fusion clothes.
Personality: Motor mouth, confident, competitive, selfless, in between a girly girl and a tomboy.
Hobbies: Playing the ukulele, going to the gym, sleeping
Bey: Angel Akiri | Bey moves: Shield launch, weaver's launch
Family: Unknown
Shipped with: Orochi Ginba

Ashley's (another friend of mine) OC

Name: Jay Konoe
Age: 11.3 | Gender: Female
Appearance: Power spear, short blonde with dark blue streak hair, black eyes, Chinese inspired clothes, black fingerless gloves.
Personality: Calm, masculine, helpful, chill, tomboy.
Hobbies: Beyblading, yoga, eating a bunch of Doritos.
Bey: Justice Jyro | Bey move: Canon launch, siren launch
Family: Unknown
Shipped with: Honcho or Rantaro

Don't worry these OC's will not be the star of the story, the Shu x valt will be! These are just backup ships incase you guys wanted something else besides the main ship story here. In the story, the crew already knew these girls and made friends with them. So I don't need a chapter where Valt just surprised to see my OC hugging Shu ( Sheila is Shu's sibling) and a bunch of other scenarios.

Anyways I do hope you enjoy reading!


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