The Vanishing Red

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Aiko's POV

Red Eye is going for the kill no doubt.

He charges towards the rest of us and handling a pretty big syringe which possibly was meant for stabbing us, leading the rest of the crew outside, me, Jay and Sheila had to face the maniacs and believe me it's not going to be easy dealing with this non-stop package. Sheila was already wrestling with Red eye trying her best to knock his lights out, while Jay was still dealing with the troublesome that joined Red Eye's side and battling alongside with him.

'Go faster!' I whispered to the boys

'Daigo!' I whispered loudly to get his attention which he did

'What?' He says with a bit of hurry in his voice

'If we don't make it out alive, then take this.' And I passed our beys to him

Shocked and surprised he looks up to me, but I nodded to him instead of actually saying anything to him. Getting through the escape hole, I joined the battle between two sides, shifting into an Phoenix I attacked Chris and pinned her into the ground with some force before going back to my own appearance. Jay followed me also snatching her weapon on the way as soon as my job of finishing Chris was over, she was temporarily unconscious and didn't move an inch when I looked back, sprinting to the villain of the game I tried to smack him with Chris's baton but what ended up, was the baton thrown to the other hallway which unfortunately I can't get.

The battle has to somehow end, either it's us or Red Eye.

No ones POV


'Daigo!' Wakiya shouted

'What took you so long? You can be killed!' Honcho said

'Uh, guys...I think they're not going...'

'Going to what?' Shu questioned

'They're not going to get out...' Daigo says as he showed the rest of them the beys that Aiko handed him

The thoughts of them getting killed in there filled the bladers minds, Shu can't believe what Daigo just said and refused to agree that will happen, but eventually they would run out of pace and...

Guess that leaves us the boys dumbfounded and terrified...


Pushing the female to the wall, Red Eye went and try to finish the other girls as he thought he killed the first one. The first girl was Jay which was pushed, her head is spinning like crazy and it wouldn't stop either way, they battle stretches for a long time and Red Eye just doesn't have the same strength as before he battled, snapping out of her trance she slowly stood up and charged towards the masked blader stampeding him in the process. Being harshly punched to a random wall, he finds a knife hidden in a corner of the wall, still dizzy from the push but he managed to stand up and walks to the group trio.

'Woah, Jay my friend are you okay?' Sheila asked

'Still dizzy, but I'm okay'

'Thank god he didn't kill you!' Aiko

While they were checking on each other, Chris had woken up then had suddenly have a change of heart? I know it's weird to explain, but since she is a corrupted version of an werewolf hybrid genetic she tends to change here and there. Brushing that off, when she saw Red Eye approaching the group of trio she stumbled to get up but eventually she did and she ran almost falling on her face.

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