Rivals or Enemies (part 2)

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Heya dudes

So I decided that I want to make a second part to the previous chap, since I left you a cliffhanger. ANd if you don't mind there will be more cringes in the next few chaps, so yah.

Anyways enjoy reading!

Sheila's POV

Chris is not going to let up.

Her bey has strengthened a lot, even herself, she plans to wreck everything in her way. She puts her launcher in a bent way, this is getting more and more difficult for me. The strategies that I'm coming up with is no use, all of those would backfire on me, if I try attacking on her turf, it would always end with a burst finish.

My only hope was my Night strike, considering its a power move, it will help me at least a ring-out finish. Looking up at her, she smiles creepily as if she's going insane, her black eyes are darker than ever, her stance was almost touching the ground. My will suddenly drops, getting intense I gripped my launcher even tighter praying to God that it doesn't end here.

'Go get them SHEILA!' Valt cheered

'BRING OUT THE BIG GUNS!' Aiko encouraged

I looked at them, I can see determination in their eyes, reacting back with a confident smile, I'm up for the challenge. Looking back to Chris, I gave her the look, her smile vanishes and turned into a fierce glare, whatever, she can do what she wants, I'm going for the gold.

'Ready, set!'




'Let it RIP!'

Both of us launched out our beys, mine is spinning faster and faster on the outside rim of the stadium, Chijito is getting wild, chasing after Shero. Time's up, if Shero can't move up to that line, everything is goners.

No ones POV

Shero is getting closer to that line, Sheila's is hoping that that line would land exactly where she wanted. One more shift and its on the line, but Chris, she made first contact, pushing Shero further away from the line, getting agitated the grey haired female stared to panic, thoughts raced in her head. Just when she started to give up hope, her bey touched the line while Chijito was chasing it, speeding up what seemed so quick with sparks of light trailing behind it, it now makes a full circle around the stadium and chasing Chijito 'till  it slowly goes into the center. Chris was dumbfounded, her plan was going exactly what she planned, instead she forgot that Sheila had a move that can make her bey speed up. That glare was burning hell now, Sheila was close to winning, even Valt was about to jump on stage.


And no way is Sheila going home.

Shero crashed back and forth horizontally on the sides of the stadium meaning it's about to unleash the legendary Night strike, making its final crash to the wall, it charges straight to Chijito and both of the bey impacted on each other making a swirl of wind around the two girls. It came to an halt, Shero had burst Chijito and three pieces is falling to the ground, Chris's face was priceless, the crowd stared for a minute. Then the cheers were on again, this the most intense battle of the evening. The crew was shaking each other and giving each other high-fives.

'A burst finish! Sheila wins with a burst finish, which means, the DNA and Beigoma academy bey club wins!'

The crowd cheered again, Sheila walked down the stage, and showing her victory smile. The gang ran up to her, giving light pushes and ruffles on the head but only girls can do that with Sheila. Her amber and red eye was filled with satisfaction that she wants to hug someone but, reality being reality, she had to hold back the urge.

While the two teams were celebrating, Chris looked at her bey, wondering what she did wrong. She frowned at the bey and held it so tight that it might just break, shifting her eyes to the winner, her glare was more than hell, there were no words to describe it. Getting up from her sitting position, she walks back down the stage not making any eye contact with anyone, her team and Akeno's team stared at her retreating firgure, getting worried, a girl from the team came up to ask her.

'Chris... are you oka-' she stop mid sentence.

Chris was on the verge of killing people, her nails were turning sharp like claws of a wolf, her eyes were going satanic, the terrified girl stepped back, falling to the ground. Chris is looking at Sheila with hatred desires, ready to cut her open.

Sprinting directly to her, a growl was heard, Sheila noticed the growl belonged to someone, her face was alarmed, as she pushed everyone aside and let Chris tackle her hard. Her blow was pushing Sheila directly outside the battle room to the backdoor leading to a field outside, the female landed on the grass heavily, hacking a bit of blood.

Chris slowly appeared in Sheila's view, Sheila stood up and spread her wings about to attack, both of them charged into each other wrestling with a mighty force. Sheila kicked Chris in her weak spot, making her tumble over, she then Jonh Cena Chris heftily, making the female growled in agony, another blow from Sheila was made this time it was from her wings turning into steel (like the move in Pokemon, steel wing) and it made a deep scratch in Chris's cheek. Flying away from Chris to avoid any more blows in a distance, Chris jumped up to the same level as Sheila and dragged her down, damaging her wing as well. As both fell down, one of Sheila's wing was dripping blood, severely damaged, while Chris's left arm was almost cut open. Deciding that she should run to heal first, Chris ran away from Sheila, leaving the girl there stuttering to get up because of her wing.

The crew sprinted to the female, looking at the damage Chris had left, Ken and Shu ran up to her first to check if she is unconscious or not. The genetic female's body was screaming pain and agony, her face was pale, she is losing to much blood. Wakiya scurried quickly with a first-aid kit with him, the rest of them followed Wakiya. Sheila's view was a complete blur, she can't see clearly, her eyes were slowly closing, before they could the last thing she saw Ken saying her name multiple times and Shu shaking her body lightly...

( Le time skip )

Shu seen Sheila's eyes shut, meaning that she is knocked out, sitting back, Valt bolted to the figure staring helplessly at their sibling. Valt sat down next to Shu hugging him gently and looked at Shu with his softest gaze. After her wound was stitched by Wakiya, Sheila slowly opened her eyes, feeling a wave of energy through her. She sat up, still feeling the pain in her wing, she managed to stand up, with Shu's help she is now able to stand on her own. But surprisingly, Ken had lifted her chest on his back, piggyback style. As Ken carried Sheila back to her room, Sheila felt weird around him, in a good way. He looked at her with smile, feeling her cheeks heat up, she looks away to the girls praying for help, they noticed it, but being a piece of crap they just smirked instead.

At least the war is over...

Isn't it?



It took a while, but I managed to stuff more than 900 words in this chap. Oof.

If you can tell my Sheila (my Oc) started to have feelings for the ventriloquist. The past chap are intense but the next one is going to be all about fun!

Locketkeeper plz, you're free to message me on wattpad.


Hope you enjoy reading!


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