The Fall

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I continue to climb the mountain. The other orphans said that this is the perfect place to disappear. I'm so tired of my life, and it's not like anyone would miss me. My parents died in an accident when I was ten years old, and my caretaker beat me whenever I did something wrong. I'm sure she's glad that I'm gone.
Near the top of the mountain is a cave; well, this is as dismal a place as any to call home, I suppose. A huge draft pulls at my wings. I follow the gust of wind deeper into the cave. I start to see the roots of a tree. Opening my mouth to test the air, I smell a Banyan tree with a kind of plant I can't recognize.

That's strange I thought Banyan trees only grew in tropical areas, and that other plant . . . why don't I recognize it?

I see a small yellow flower on one of the roots. Reaching out my snout, I get a better view of the flower, but what I didn't see was a huge hole before me. (how she couldn't, see the hole I have no idea.) I step closer to the flower feeling the loose dirt under my feet. I stand on hind legs, sniffing the air, to catch a better scent, but the loose earth gave way beneath me.
Twisting in the air . . . grab for sides . . . too far. Spread wings . . . the wind is moving through my wings . . . What?! Unable to stop falling, I plummet down. . . .
and. . . everything. . .turns. . . black.

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