The Dream

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I look around me, but everything is pitch black. "Hello is anyone here?" I ask, but no one answered me. Then a young male dragon appears. He looks a lot like me surprisingly; he could be my younger brother, that is if I had a younger brother. He also looks surprised to see me.
"Hi there, who are you, and where am I?" I ask him.
"My name is Chara, and right now you are dreaming" He said.
"If I am dreaming, then what are you doing here. NOT to be rude or anything I'm just wondering" I say quickly, but he only chuckles in amusement.
"I honestly don't know what I'm doing here right now. All I do know is that you have to save them" He explains as he starts to disappear.
"Wait! I have more questions" I say, but it's too late he's already gone.
Then I wake up.

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