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When I wake up, I see on the bedside table . . . a pie? Next to it, I see a note saying:

"I didn't know if you prefer cinnamon or butterscotch so I made a butterscotch and cinnamon pie. Please enjoy.
Love, Toriel
P.S. Please tell me what you think of it after.

I smile at how sweet Toriel is. I took one bite, then gobbled the rest of it.
"I guess that means you like it," someone says. Surprised by the voice, I look toward the doorway to see Flowey.
"Can you please not surprise me like that Flowey" I ask sincerely.
He laughs slightly, then smiles and asks, "How's your leg?"
I look to see my left leg wrapped in a cast. I get off the bed, and start walking around, (Well more like limping around) and my leg just feels sore. So, I tell him "It's sore, but ho-"he cuts me off before I can finish, leaving me slightly annoyed.
". . . It's healing magic," he blurts. Then seeing my annoyed look, he apologies.
"Toriel had some errands to run, so she asked me wait for you to wake," he says.
"Ok then, how long was I asleep?" I question him.
"About a week," he replies.
"WHAT!!??" I scream at him. Then he burst out laughing. Then I realize he was joking, huffing in annoyance I glare at him, but then I start laughing with him. After a couple of minutes, the laughter stops.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist," he says out of breath. "You were asleep about seven hours". I nod in understanding. "So... what do you want to do while we wait?".
I think for a moment before saying "What kind of books do you have?"
He started to smile wildly "All kind of books," he said happily.
"Can I see?" He nodded, and motioned for me to follow him. He led me to a bookcase in, what I guess is, the living room. As I start looking over the titles, I see Flowey picks up a book 'Complete Book of Fairy Tales' he sees me looking.
"Don't judge me," he says.
"I'm not judging, I just found it interesting that you chose that book is all." I say in my defense. Then go back to looking for a book. In the end, I choose two books to read. The first is called 'Souls: their strength's and weakness's', and second one is 'The dragon tribes and their natural histories' (What, she likes informative books) I start heading towards my room with the books.
Laying down on the bed, I start reading 'The dragon tribes and their natural histories':

Description- They can have pale gold or white scales the color of desert sand; poisonous barbed tail; forked black tongues.
Abilities- They can survive a long time without water, poison enemies with the tips of their tails like scorpions, bury themselves for camouflage in the desert sand, breathe fire.

Description- They can be thick with armored brown scales, sometimes with amber and gold underscales; large, flat heads with nostrils on top of the snout.
Abilities- They can breathe fire (if warm enough), hold their breath for up to an hour, blend into large mud puddles; usually very strong.

Description- They can be blue or green or aquamarine scales; webs between their claws; gills on their necks; glow-in-the-dark stripes on their tails/snouts/underbellies.
Abilities- They can breathe underwater, see in the dark, create huge waves with one splash of their powerful tails; excellent swimmers.

Description- They can have red-gold or orange scales; enormous wings.
Abilities- They powerful fighters and fliers, can breathe fire.

Description- They can have silvery scales like the moon or pale blue like ice; ridged claws to grip the ice; forked blue tongues; tails narrow to a whip-thin end.
Abilities- They can withstand subzero temperatures and bright light, exhale a deadly freezing breath.

Description- They can have purplish-black scales and scattered silver scales on the underside of their wings, like a night sky full of stars; forked black tongues.
Abilities- They can breathe fire, disappear into dark shadows, read minds, foretell the future.

Description- They can have scales that constantly shift colors, usually bright like birds of paradise; prehensile tails.
Abilities- They can camouflage their scales to blend into their surroundings, use their prehensile tails for climbing; no known natural weapons."

So Toriel is a Mudwing. . ., but I wonder why she's an albino?

I then start reading 'Souls: their strength's and weakness's':

Strength- the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, and irritation.
Weakness- inactivity when a decision must be made.

Strength- the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.
Weakness- mistaking revenge for justice.

Strength- brave spirit or conduct; courage; valor.
Weakness- having too much courage, and ignoring danger.

Strength- friendly feeling; liking.
Weakness- gullibility.

Strength- steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially despite difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
Weakness- inability to adapt to changes.

Strength- adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
Weakness- pride.

Strength- the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.
Weakness- unwilling to compromise with others plans. "

I wonder what my soul trait is?

(Time skip, two months)

I am finally able to go outside the house. My leg is now fully healed. Toriel says she will let me explore the Ruins, ONLY if Flowey comes with me. I don't mind though, we are pretty much like siblings now.
"WHY DOES THIS PLACE HAVE SO MANY HOLES!!" I scream in frustration. After falling down another hole, for the what seems to be 30th time. (15th time actually )
"I don't think I want to lose my ability to hear, thank you very much" Flowey says sarcastically while glaring at me.
"Sorry Flowey" I mumble.
"What did you say, I don't think I heard you" he says playfully.
"I said sorry, Flowey" I say calmly.
"Do you know why there are so many puzzles?" I ask.
"I wish I knew" he answers. "But" he continues "the Ruins have been like this for as long as I remember, so you should ask Toriel. She might know."

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