Something's wrong

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Sans POV

As I was talking to Hawk, I felt Frisk start to shake. I look at her in concern, but she's not paying attention to me. Following her line of sight, I see she's looking at Aideen?

I nudge her, and ask "hey, are you ok?"

"I-I have to go." I hear her mumble, before she runs outside.

"What's wrong with her?" Hawk commented.

"don't snow. well it was ice to see ya'." Then I rush after her.

I see her running past the house. I teleport in front of her, and she ends up running into me. Both of us end up tumbling into a tree close to my house. We lay in a tangled heap for a few minutes before untangling ourselves.

"Sorry" She mutterers, while having a distant look in her eyes.

"hey, look. none of the guards recognized yo-"

"That's not- *sigh* never mind." She grumbles.


She doesn't respond.

"are you giving me the cold shoulder? wow that's just plain cold."

She still doesn't respond.

"... well... then, let's go get you some food." I try to lead her back to Grillby's, but she wasn't moving. Sighing I move my wing to pull her into a hug. I feel her jolt, then slowly relax into it.

"I don't know what's bothering you, but I said no one would hurt you. you believe me... right?" She freezes then she pulls away, looks at me with a determined look, and nods. Smiling, I lead her back, once there I looked around for Aideen, to find that she wasn't there anymore.

Why was Frisk so scared her?

I led her straight to my normal spot, and Grillby is there waiting. "hey, Grillbz".

"Hello, Sans and... May I ask who you are, Miss?"

Frisk hesitates for a second, then says "My name is Frisk, Mr. ... Grillby?" Grillby nods his head approvingly with a gentle smile, then turns to me.

"usual for me, and what do you want Frisk?"

"Can I get fries, please." Grillby nods then walks over to fire exit.

"so, why'd you run away?" I ask her. She freezes, and turns away from me. She asks quietly "Can, we not talk about this."

It has to be something from her past... I wonder if the Weed knows anything about it.

Sighing in defeat, I feel someone tap my shoulder, and I see my old mentor Darick sign 'Sans who is this? Is she a new friend of yours?' I glance at Frisk to see her staring at the bar. I nudge her.

"Frisk, i would like you to meet an old friend of mine. this is Darick. Darick this is Frisk."

"It's nice to meet you." She greets, and he signs back:

'It's nice to meet you too. Sans what tribe is she from?' Frisk looks at me in confusion. So, I explain "Darick can't speak thanks to a skirmish from a few years back. he said it's nice to meet you too."

He narrows his eyes at me, but then his expression returns to normal when Grillby comes back with our order. Grillby starts to talk with Darick. I pick up the ketchup then an idea forms in my head. I ask "Frisk, want some ketchup?" she pauses then shrugs. "Sure" I unscrew the lid a bit with my magic, and hand it to her. Darick notices me do this, and tries to warn her, but she's already spilled the ketchup all over her fries. I try not to laugh; but she realizes that I did that on purpose, and starts to glare at me, but begins to laugh lightly. After calming myself down a bit I slide my untouched fries to her.

"here you can have mine." She takes them hesitantly "Thanks..."

After she finishes eating, I say goodbye to Grillbz and teleport us back home. She collapses on the floor.

Oh, I forgot she's not used to teleportation.

I kneel beside her to support her. Thankfully I teleported us to the guest bedroom, unfortunately the Weed is in here. "What did you do to her!" he demanded. I ignore him, and focus on Frisk.

"Star, it's ok the feeling will past."

I feel her laugh lightly, and mutters "Star really?"

"well, yeah you shine like one. at least that's what i've heard." I say thoughtfully, then noticing her confusion. I ask in a joking tone "what is there something wrong with it?"

I hear a scoff in annoyance from Flowey. I glare at him, but keep my mouth shut. Frisk looks between us, and sighs. Seeing the time, I get up and walk toward the door. Before I leave, I say "have a good night Frisk."

Floweys POV

Frisk watches Sans leave then turns toward me, and asks "What happed between you two?"

I just turn away and, respond with "We got into a fight a few years back, nothing you need to know."

I can feel her disappointment as she climbs onto the bed, and can barely hear her mumble "I just want to understand..."

She wouldn't understand what I did. Even if he was insane no one can ever justify what I did. It's my fault that they're both gone, but I won't let anyone harm you like I let them harm Chara... and hopefully that trash bag, keeps he's word.

I glance at Frisk one more time before close my eyes.

??? POV

"Heh, did you really think that you could truly be rid of me?" I hear him taunt, all the while I try to find where his voice is coming from.

I snarl "Leave me and my family alone!" as laughter booms around me, a chill runs down my spine.

"Oh, that's just priceless, the hole 'leave me and my family alone'. Please that's honestly starting to get old. Anyway, I won't need you anymore." Shock courses through me.

"what?" I mumble.

"Heh, you heard me I don't need you anymore. So, congratulations this is the last time you'll see me." As my vision fades, I can hear him whisper "But that doesn't mean this is the last you'll hear of me."

My eyes shoot open, I can't even process anything. As I calm down I realize that I fell off my bed during the night. Sighing in frustration I get off the floor and start thinking about what just happen.

What did he mean by 'I don't need you anymore'? Did he find a new victim? Did he just... get bored? Ugh, why am I always in these situations!

Suddenly an unrecognizable voice says "The Flower must wilt, before the Light shines though the Darkness." As quickly as the voice came it left, leaving me stunned. I rush to write the words down before I can forget them.

The flower must wilt, before the light shines though the darkness? What does that even mean!?

My sister suddenly slams my door open, and yells "WAKE Up... oh you're already up." She stares at me in astonishment, then shrugs it off saying "Well that's a first, anyway we're supposed to meet the others outside of Waterfall before we meetup with our mentors." Before I can respond, she rushes out of the room. Shaking my head in amusement, I follow her.

Maybe the others can help me figure out this hole flower thing.

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