episode 1: my name?

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 "(Y/N)! Wake up you little snot!" you can hear her from a mile away even if you were right next to her. I guess she gets from all of the kids here..or her 'wondrous' personality..yeah right! that girl has the emotions of someone about to commit murder! and that's the nice way of putting it! This is the person that has been taken care of me since my parents have died how exactly? this orphanage sucks! I wish I had grandparents to take me away from this hell hole, I bet they would be super nice to me, but only one can dream a dream that will never happen.

the lady dropped the plate in frought of me "breakfast" the food here is worse than the people working here! I bet they're trying to poison us from this slop they call 'food'. I wouldn't blame them either, you wouldn't see me working here in a million years! the plate in frought of me looked like slime that mated with a zebra that got killed, threw up on, and eaten all at the same time someone was jerking off in the corner, have fun with that mind. anyways, I ate what was on my plate, said thank you, and left with the backpack on my back and reading a book full of adventures, which whoever wrote this way either drunk, high, or altogether crazy, I mean, a portal gun? really? if that was real then I would ask my crush out in a heartbeat...if I had one at that, anyway, when I was about halfway to school I put the book in my bag, in case someone saw me. the last thing I need is someone finding me out and start to bully me every day...wouldn't that be horrible?

"Hey!" I heard someone shout, as I turned around I am met with a flying shoe to the face! "Ouch! Hey! what's the big idea!?" they ran towards me and started to gasp for breath, he looks like he's in one of my classes...yay... "sorry..about that! my friends and I were just playing around." what's the use? I chuckled "it's cool" I gave him his shoe back and continued to walk to class..friends huh? sounds fun...

once I made it to class, I sat down and passed out in my chair...what can I say? Not only is math the class that makes me the most sleepy, I was late night reading, stop judging me. when I woke up, the bell rang so off I went to my favorite class of all! science! the place where I can experiment with anything and nobody would care what I was doing, guess if science was a person,  THAT would be my crush, too bad it isn't.

"Alright, class! I have a new student here today! (Y/N), please come up here and introduce yourself." oh yeah, did I mention I'm one of those people that nobody wants so I had to transfer to one orphanage to another? probably not but, now you know. I walked up to the front of the class and did whatever I had to do to sit back down, man I hate that, going to the front of the class and saying crap that nobody cares about? About 5 hours later, when school ends, I decided to go behind the school and continue to read the book

"let's see...ah" once I found the page I left off, I begin to read. half an hour goes by and I hear two people argue with each other, and with that i begin to get up and walk away from the voices in hopes that they couldn't hear me,but since it was me backing up to a bush that made the noise that bushes make when someone walks into them, after that, all I heard was no voices, just a weird noise that went next to me, but when I looked, all I saw was this green portal? all I could do was watch two people come out of the swirly looking icecream 

"a-all I'm saying rick is that-" their where one tall old man while there was a high schooler, probably he's 14, both staring at me while I hold the book open in my hands. the old one called rick glanced that the book I had, and when he did, he mumbled something to the person next to him "s-so..um, hi?" I had to say something, even if this is my deathbed, these just came from MIDDE AIR PEOPLE! MIDDE. AIR. what are they? gods?

"so, t- Burp- the weathers nice, right Morty?" he elbowed morty in the arm, which made him snap out of his trance "o-oh! it's very...sunny" I had enough of this, got up, dusted myself off and walked away from this weirdness"w-wait!" I turned around "what?" morty ran to me "whats your name?" 



hey, so i was watching rick rick and morty and i felt like wrighting a story so,yea have fun with this! 

      829 Words

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