episode 8: "Why?"

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When I woke up, I saw rick to my left and Morty to my right while my head started to hurt badly. I groaned at the pain and put my hand to my head "What the hell happened..." I said sitting up. Morty shrugged and Rick took a sip out of his container, signaling a 'no'.

I got out of the bed that I didn't realize was there and looked around realizing where I am, I quickly off the bed and grabbed my book to leave. "W-What are you doing?!" Morty yelped concerned. Hospitals mean phone calls,  phone calls means the  parents are being called, I kept this secret long enough and I'm not staying here long enough for them to say anything about that! "Well what does it look like I'm doing Morty? Doing my homework? Or does it look like my grabbing my stuff to leave." I said slightly annoyed as I walked out if the room with Morty following Rick... Maybe?

"But you're hurt!...I think..." He said. that last part was like a whisper so I couldn't hear him "Am not! I feel and look fine, meaning I. Am. Fine!" I said sneaking away from any adult I could see, I don't need any witnesses for my excape that's for sure! Once I made it to the exit, I ran as fast as I could my legs take me. I don't want this... I don't want this!! I thought while slowing down to take a breath the orphanage is still standing. It's not burned to the ground like you thought... It's fine..

Just then, Rick and Morty show up in there little space thing that they go on adventures and stuff. Morty gets off and throws his arms around me, I wiggle his arms off me "No contact!" I yell but he didn't listen, instead, he try's to hug me again but this time I back up a bit "Geez man, what is up with you." I said before he snapped out of whatever trance he was in "w-why did you run?" He asked as I rolled my eyes "To get away." I said casually as I started to walk away. Morty and Rick following behind.

"Why?" Morty asked being a complete idiot "Cause it's a hospital." I said giving less to no valid response. "So what? W-whats-" he try's to grab my arm but I pulled it away furiously "Leave it alone, Morty!" I said as I tried not to cry. I hate that my parents left me at a place where everywhere I go, I'm reminded that I'm nothing to anybody... Not even to the people who gave birth to me. How useless is that?
Morty must have seen my face and stopped pushing it, even though he was confused... Should I tell them the truth?
...No... Noway, nohow no...EVER! Every person. Everyone I have told either bullied me or stopped talking to me just because I!... I'm an orphan... It's the only way to explain it. I ran quickly down to the orphanage and saw only the ashes and dust off the place that stood before it. "God... Hell am I supposed to go now?" I whispered to myself near tears. I hate the orphanage but they did raise me. Not this one, or the last one, or the last of that one... But they raised me.

You know what I did? I continued to run.

577 words


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