Chapter 6

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*Carlys POV*

It's my birthday!

I'm turning 18 today and were having a small party.

And by small, I mean Mama, me, and Daniel.

I was currently opening Daniels gift to me, and I immediately screamed when I saw it.

It was three plane tickets to Los Angeles, like he promised.

Then I was confused as to why there were three, so I asked him.

"I talked to your mom and me, you, and her are going to Los Angeles to find a big, beautiful house that we can live in together. We're moving to Los Angeles Carly."

I smiled, jumping into his arms and pulling Mama into us, creating a group hug.

"When do we leave," I asked, sliding out of his arms.

"Tomorrow, so let's go get you packed. Your mom and I are already packed and ready so it's just you. I'll be in there here in a second to help you pack."

I ran into my room and began packing.
Daniel came in shortly after and began helping me pack everything I'd need.

After 3 hours, we finally finished and laid back on my bed, instantly falling asleep.

When I was rudely awoken by my mother and Daniel yelling at me to get up and get ready, I lazily got out of bed and put on an outfit, putting my bags in the car.

Daniel and Mama came out with the rest and climbed in all excited.

He smiled as he laid his head on my shoulder and Mama took off to the airport.

"I'm so excited to be moving to LA," I practically screamed, not being able to hide my excitement anymore.

"Me either," Daniel and Mama both said at the same time, causing me to burst out into fits of laughter.

"Oh and guess what Carly, I have another surprise for you waiting at the airport," Daniel said, a mischievous look on his face.

"What is it? You know I hate surprises."

"You'll just have to wait and find out," he responded, laughing lightly.

I huffed and folded my arms across my chest, trying to act upset.

When we arrived to the airport, I jumped out taking about 3 bags, not wanting to wait for Daniel and Mama.

"Let me take that from you," Daniel said, pulling one of his suitcases out of my grasp.

I ran inside the airport, and did all the airport stuff.

Then we waited for our flight.

When they called it, I jumped out of my seat and ran to our gate, Daniel and Mama following shortly behind.

Arriving on the plane, I felt really scared, because I'm a wimp like that.

Daniel held my hand as we took off and kept me sane.

Soon, I fell asleep, not wanting to be awake the whole flight to our new home.

See you soon LA.

(A/N; I'm really tired and my writings getting sloppier. but anyways if anyone reads this, go follow my Instagram @ anemseavery)

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