Chapter 17

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I smiled as Daniel kissed me passionately in the dim lights of the Hollywood sign.
"I love you," he whispered as the sun started to rise slowly.

"I love you too," I whispered back, running my fingers through his short hair.

"It really doesn't get better than this, does it?"

"What do you mean," I asked curiously.

He pondered for a moment before looking out into the city, "Were living in one of the best cities in the country. My careers just starting. I have 4 of the greatest friends ever. And I have you; the love of my life, right beside me every step of the way."

He turned to look at me as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Don't cry baby..." he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm just so so happy to have you in my life," I whispered back.

Daniel didn't say anything nor react. His facial emotions changing from loving to curious or scared maybe.

"What's wrong," I asked, worry obviously taking over me.

He shushed me and pointed to the tree line behind us.

In that moment, I realized one of my worst fears. I realized that today could be the day that I perish. I realized that yesterday could've been the last day my friends would've ever saw me.

Me being the skeptic and paranoid person I am obviously wanted for everything to just take off down the hill in Daniels arms but I obviously couldn't move.

Something or someone moved out of the darkness and into the dim light of the sign, causing me to almost collapse in fear and Daniel to hold onto me tighter.

"Who's there," Daniel said, barely above a whisper.

No answer.

"Carly on the count of three; make a run for the car," Daniel whispered into my ear, "I'll be right behind you. I love you."

He kissed me quickly before starting a countdown from 3.

The anticipation and my anxiety grew as he slowly got to 1 and I bolted down the hill, hearing Daniel right behind me.

As I got to the car, I opened the passenger side and jumped in, quickly slamming the door shut.

A second later, Daniel jumped in and started the car, driving off really fast into the glowing city lights.

"What the fuck just happened," I said more so to myself than Daniel, scared out of my mind.

"I don't know Car..."

That night was filled with love, nerves, questions, fear, and probably worst of all; Could've that been the night I died?

Or even worse; could that have been the night Daniel died and I didn't?

Questions swarmed my thoughts all throughout the rest of the night as we clutched onto each other in our bed, not being able to get any sleep at all.

"Daniel," I whispered as the reality of all this hit me hard, "I love you."

He didn't say anything back for a while; maybe ten minutes or more.

But then he whispered, in a sad tone, "I love you too."

And with that, I was consumed into the darkness and fear of what could've happened that night once again...

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