Chapter 18

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"Hey Car," Jack said walking into the kitchen where I was sitting at the counter doing work.

"Hey jack," I said, turning around and smiling at him.

"You wanna go do something, just me and you," he asked.

I thought about it for a moment before saying, "yeah, I'll go get ready."

I walked upstairs and into mine and Daniels room where he was sitting at his desk, writing.

I closed the door behind me and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, "hey babe?"

"Yeah?," he turned around, pulling me into his lap.

"Jack asked if I wanted to go somewhere with him, is that okay?"

"Carly...," he mumbled, looking down and sighing, "I really wish you'd take someone with you. I don't want him touching you or hurting you or anything."

"Daniel, babe, please. He's not gonna hurt me. He's always been respectful of me and my body. Can I please just go?"

He sighed and kissed my forehead, "Yeah I guess, but please be safe, okay? I love you," he said kissing me passionately this time.

I jumped up after he pulled away and said a quick thank you before running downstairs to meet up with Jack.

He was sitting there on his phone, scrolling through Instagram. He turned around and looked at me, smiling.

"You ready," he asked, standing up and starting to head out the door.

"Yep," I said, following him outside.

We got in his car and started to drive off.

"Where are we going," I asked, starting to get curious as he drove off into a wooded area.

"One of my favorite places in this world. It's very special to me," he whispered.

"Jack, are you sure you wanna take me to this place is it's so special to you?"

"Yeah I'm positive. You're special to me too Carly," he said, turning his head to look at me with a slight smile.

I smiled back remembering all the times we used to go places and do things together. Jack was honestly my first love and that wouldn't ever go away. I still love him with all my heart and I don't think I ever stopped.
I don't think I could ever tell Daniel that either...

He looked over at me with a smile I fell in love with when we were just 13.

He stopped the car in the middle of the road and got out of the car. I followed behind him as he walked a little farther into the forest until we came out at a beautiful clearing with a lake in the center of it.

"Omg it's so beautiful Jack," I said in awe.

He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't hear, "what was that?"

"Nothing," he whispered staring ahead.

"Jack what'd you say," I questioned further.

"I said I want to kiss you," he whispered still not looking at me.

I stood for a moment trying to process what he had said before I turned and looked at him. He didn't look at me and continued to stare ahead.

"Jack look at me," I whispered.

He slowly turned his head to me and nervously bit his lip, "I'm sorry Carly... I didn't mean to."

"So you don't wanna kiss me," I asked.

"Yeah I do... I just know that you don't wanna kiss me," he said, sadly turning to look back at the lake.

Before he turned his head completely, I grabbed his jaw and turned his head to me and I did one thing.

I kissed him.

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