Chapter 14 Even more Friends :D:D

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   Hey Guys! Just letting you know that I will expand the contest for another 24 hours so still keep entering even though there already some winners. Also SKgamer will be called Jay during switching POV's.

   Jays POV

  I was sparring with ant as we finally stopped, after me beating him 3-2 we went to our supply chest with food.i notice we're low on healing supplies. I eat a couple of baked potatoes and a bucket of milk as he is eating some carrots. We discuss battle strategies until mitch comes in. "Yo boys," he says, " Me and Jerome are going to go spar for a while so can you 2 go and get more supplies like healing stuff and maybe some fish for Jerome" he asks while eating a porkchop with a cookie. " Sure, but make sure jerome doesn't come hunting us down for it" Ant says. Me and mitch laugh.

   So after our break me and ant went out for chests. After 12 minutes pass, I ask " What you find?." Ant says " 2 potions of healing and 5 raw fish, what 'bout you?."1 potion of healing, 2 bandages and 4 raw fishes and a wet noodle." Good, now lets head home, the horizon may be beautiful but players could be roaming round. I agree and scurry to get home.

  I see a pig and go in for the kill but a arrow from nowhere comes and kills the pig. I turn around to see a girl limping, blood scattered on her neck with a bow attached to it to cover up the wound. She had pale skin with purple eyes, a pink hoodie with a emerald on the back. She also had a pair of white jeans and brown boots and looked kind of cute. She throws a potion of harming at me. I fail to keep my balance and fall. I was shocked cause not only it did damage but it weakened me. She gasps at what she did and started to whimper. She had an iron sword in her hand and was in position for the kill. I try to get up to defend myself but she gets hit with an arrow and fall right on me. I gulp in fear as I try to regain my strength to go and help her. I soon kneel beside her and put some healing potion into her mouth. I soon see her eyes flutter open. She quickly came up and squealed." OMG I'M SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T HURT ME I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I..."

  I cut her off and say Don't worry about it. Wanna team with me and the others. We'll help you. " Please oh please I will. I have 0 food and I am desperate for anything. I even fed on wet noodles!" She soon sobs, so I ended up carrying her to base. Everyone was at the entrance screaming " WHERE THE CRAP WERE YOU AND WHOS THAT GIRL!" She awakes and stares into my eyes and mouths I am hungry. I find a cake and some apples and give them to her. She gobbles down the 2 apples and ate 2 bites of the cake. Boy man, she was so hungry.

   Jeromes POV

Jay comes home 2 hours after ant and we freaked out. But when I saw he was carrying a girl I started to calm and becoe like my mom. Nice. Jay gave her some food and she scarfed it down real fast. God no wonder she was sleeping. We asked her to introduce herself, she said her name is Cakeògal628 but we could just call her Cakey.

  Cakeys POV

I am so lucky to be with SKgamer. He offered me to be part of his amazing group with awesome people. I liked SKgamer, or Jay and Jerome from the start cause of their careness. The creeper and the Ssundee guy were nice, but were less ethusiastic about me joining. The other 2 were in the middle.

   As Mitch gives me a tour around the base, Ant gave me full chain exepct the boots and the chestplate. They were Iron. The creeper also gave me a god apple and a couple pieces of chicken, just for eating and healing. After the tour I could already tell this was giving the best future for me yet. :3

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