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Don't own Harry Potter, sadly.

Draco threw the rocks into the lake, the moon reflecting in the water, making Draco's eyes look like they were glowing, the moon light showing off his pale skin and silver hair, making him look like some kind of god. Well, he sure didn't feel like a god, he felt below everyone he knew, even that mud-blood Granger. Why couldn't he just apologize? Why couldn't he just not care about his pride for a moment? Why couldn't he just admit that he needed their help? Because he was Malfoy that's why. Draco made a frustrated noise, throwing more rocks in the lake, which were just making obnoxiulsy big splashes in the lake.

He didn't want this. He just wanted to be an ignorant kid again, defeating dragons of his imagination with his makeshift sword that his house elf Tiffy had made him a long time ago. He wanted to have hope. He didn't want to be a deatheater, he didn't want to be hated by everyone, he didn't want to feel like he was...dirty.

He layed back onto the ground, on his back, looking at the stars. He closed his eyes, feeling a soft breeze on his face. He felt as if he just wanted to be here forever--to sleep forever. He shook his head, now was not the time to go in a suicidal state, that wouldn't help anything. No, what he needed to do was think of a plan; a plan that would save himself but not affect his parents. He bit his lip, the only person he knew that could help was Dumbledore and surely Dumbledore hated him; it would only be reasonable.

Well, it was a start. He would have to start manning up and start taking things into his own hands. He sat up, his hands becoming fists; he shouldn't need to take things into his hands, he should just be able to relax--to dream. Dream of being able to become someone, dream of finally getting free, dream of getting away from it all, feeling at peace, dream of becoming a dragon tamer. He shook his head again, a bit more forcefully this time. No, no, no, no, no!

He sighed, his eyelids getting heavy. He got up, starting to head to the castle when a noise, like a twig being snapped, caught his attention; he looked over. There, at the beginning of the forbidden forest was a centaur; one he hadnt seen before. He and centaur locked eyes, just staring at eachother for a few moments. Draco slowly started walking towards it, clenching his jaw, uncertain.

When he was only ten feet in front of the centaur, the centaur nodded his head to him, Draco nodded back. "Do you need something?" Draco asked, uncertainly and the centaur smiled.

"No, it is you who needs something; something I would be happy to give you." Draco stared as the centaur looked up. "Ah, only five years ago the moon was this bright." Suddenly the centaur looked at him, with a serious face. "Something dark is coming Draco, and you can stop it, prepare, then fight it."  Draco blinked. Him? But, last time he checked, it was Harry that always went on these crazy adventures, not him. He was worthless.

"Who are you?" Draco decided to ask.

"Oh! How rude of me, my name is Eleck. Now, you need help, do you not?" Draco nodded. The centaur smiled not unkindly. "There is a way, Draco. There, most of the time, always is. I know you are worried for your family but, worry not, for they are safe. You, on the other hand, aren't. You should be worried for yourself, Draco. Something dark is coming and it's coming for you."

"What do I do?" Draco asked, wringing his hands, becoming more and more nervous, slowly losing his composer.

"Get Harry Potter--only he can help you now."

"No, absolutely not. It's not like he would even help me."

"Don't be so sure."

"No." Draco said, he would not ask Potter for help.

"Are you really going to be sacrificing everything you could ever have for your dislike for the Potter boy?"


"You need him and you need to stop holding back" Draco blinked.

"Stop holding back?"

"Yes, Draco. You need to let go, let's word it like that. Stop holding in all your emotions and let go. You are so powerful, Draco. Show everyone that your not just another 'mud-blood' hating pure-blood. Show everyone you're more than what they think. Show everyone you can be whatever you want."

"I want to be a--"

"A dragon tamer. It's in your blood, Draco." The centaur said, walking up towards Draco. He looked Draco in the eyes then over Draco's shoulder. The centaur bent down, "Don't hold back." Then Urged Draco to turn around, who did, and what he saw was shocking. Hogwarts was engulfed in flames, sparks flying everywhere. He heard an ear splitting roar and gasped. He turned back around but couldn't see the centaur anywhere...

He swallowed, turning back around to the fire engulfed Hogwarts. Then he saw it, the biggest horn-tail dragon he had ever seen, even bigger than the one Harry had to face in 4th year. It roared again, breathing even more fire at Hogwarts, kids were screaming and frantic, the professors doing everything they could in order to calm the fire. He started to walk to the dragon, kids staring open mouthed at Draco, thinking who would be stupid enough to walk towards the dragon? He was then standing in front of a big gate of fire and swallowed, walking through it, towards the dragon. As he was in the fire you would expect him to burn, yet, he wasn't. It actually felt nice, warmth prickeling his body, it felt oddly comforting.

The fire felt delightful, he could laugh with joy. The fire made him feel powerful, made him feel as if he had so much energy. As Draco emerged from the fire, the dragon noticed him, and roared again. Draco couldn't find it in him to be afraid of it though, it was beautiful and majestic. Draco smiled calmly, and walked right up up to it, and the dragon bent down to see Draco clearly. Draco reached out, stroking it's big forehead, it's yellow eyes staring right at Draco's. He put his face against the dragons forehead.

The dragon relaxed into his touch and he could hear the professors and children shout out in surprise. Draco looked up at the school which...wasn't submerged in fire anymore. The school looked normal, as if it hadn't been in fire at all, no scorch marks on it or burns or anything. He looked back at the dragon, smiling. "You did it." Draco  whispered, smiling, putting his hands on the giant dragons face, feeling the smooth scales underneath them. All of a sudden he felt human skin and saw that the dragon wasn't a dragon was Harry Potter! 

Draco stared into Harry's vibrant green eyes, Dracos hands still on his face. Harry reached up and grabbed Dracos hands with his. Harry traced Dracos cheek, "don't hold back." Harry whispered, then Harrys green eyes surrounded him, then darkness...


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