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"I--I'm sorry."

Harry stared at Draco, feeling half annoyed and half confused. "Your sorry?" Harry asked in disbelief. Draco nodded, moving towards Harry, nervous. Maybe he should have thought this through.

"Look, it was a bad day and I took it out on you because I'm so used to fighting with you, I actually think this is..." Draco trailed off, his face red. Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Think this is what?" Harry asked, urging him to continue, curious.

"I think this is nice, me and you being friends I mean. My whole time at Hogwarts, even before, we were always enemies, so I think I just think it's a nice change that we're friends. Not that I like you or anything." Draco coughed, feeling awkward, he wasn't used to having to speak like this, especially to Harry.

"Yeah, I think it's pretty nice too. But," Draco bit his lip. "We all know you have, like, this huge crush on me, Draco. Everyone knows, it's fine." Draco sputtered, face red. "I mean, you flirt like an angry three year old, but it's fine, thanks for the lovin."

"I do not have any crush on you, Potter. I knew you had a big head but this, to go around, accusing people of liking you, of me liking you, what an insult..." Draco trailed off to see Harry laughing, hands around his stomach. Draco glared at Harry, who stopped laughing but small chuckles escaped.

"I'm just joking around, Draco. Oh, and I will accept your apology." Draco sighed with releif. "On one condition." Draco tensed, knowing this couldn't be good.


"Potter," Draco hissed, his scarf tied around his eyes as Harry held his hand, leading him somewhere.

"Oh, c'mon dear, surely you could call your great, courageous, brave, and let's not forget handsome, husband by his name: Harry." The voice Harry was using couldn't help but make Draco laugh, but stopped when he felt a breeze.

"Are we outside, where would you be taking me that was outside? Oh god, your going to kill me aren't you?" Harry laughed.

"Oh yes, Draco. I will kill you in the most devilish of ways, by putting a mirror in front of your face and having you die because of the horror you see within." Draco glared to where he heard Harrys voice, not able to see because the 'blind fold'. Harry chuckled, Draco jumping when he felt Harry put a hand around his waist, holding him close to him.

"W-why...?" Dracos face turned red.

"Because you might fall, there are a lot of sticks and holes in the ground you could trip over, not that I wouldn't think it would be amusing, but that would be more work for me."

"Are-are we in the forbidden forest?!" Draco yelped in surprise. He got a chuckle in response. "Potter, are you crazy? It's a forbidden forest for a reason, what the bloody hell-"

"Sshhh." His scarf around his face was taken off. He looked around, moonlight glinting through the trees, hearing crickets, then he saw it, the bloody chicken. Draco sighed.

"Is this some kinda joke?" He said, staring at the hippogriff with dislike, remembering third year.

"No," Harry whispered, walking up to it slowly, bowing. It bowed back and Harry walked up to it, stroking it's nose. "You haven't lived until you've flown on these, it feels amazing."

"And? What are we doing here, Harry?" Draco sighed, Harry turned around, smiling, Draco eyed him suspiciously. 

"We're going to be flying it. Together." Dracos eyes widened.

"What? We can't, I don't--"

"Do you want me to accept your apology?" Draco glared.

"You should just accept it anyway, jeez." Draco said, annoyed, turning around.

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