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Draco sighed, slipping into the hot water. Once Harry had left he had walked up to the prefects bathroom, stripping out of his clothes and going into the bath, he swam around for a little bit, feeling light hearted. He could still remember the feeling of being high up on the hippogriff in the air, the amazing feel of being alive, what fun it would be to fly, to really fly, not just on a broom. Then he also thought about Harry; Harry had thought him worthy enough to have fun, thought him good enough to have fun. Perhaps he was looking too far into it, but it felt nice, feeling like Harry cared about him.

He sighed again, sinking deeper into the bath. He knew he should go to bed, but maybe he could get away with falling asleep in Snapes class, he knew everything he taught anyway.


Draco snuck into the boys dormitorys, after doing a quick spell to dry his clothes so they wouldn't be making noise, keeping quiet, not wanting to wake anyone up. He was a foot away from his bed when he heard an angry, "Where were you?" The person hissed and Draco sighed, closing his heavy eyes for a moment, before he turned around, seeing it was Blaise in his pajamas, glaring up at Draco, his eyes red telling Draco he hadn't got any sleep. Draco felt guilty.

"Lets go in the common room and I'll tell you, I don't want to wake anyone up." Draco whispered back to him. Blaise nodded, getting up, both of them walking up to the common room. Draco sat on the couch as did Blaise.

"So?" Questioned Blaise, raising his eyebrows. "Where have you been all night?" Draco sucked in a breath, knowing he had to tell Blaise, he was nervous how he was going to react though.

"I was with Potter." Draco said, Blaise made a sound of disbelief, but Draco held up a hand. "There's so much I haven't told you, Blaise, so much I can't tell you that I wish I could. But to keep you protected there are limited things I can tell you. The only thing I can really tell you is I was hanging out with Potter, I can't tell you why, I really want to Blaise, I do, I just--its complicated."

"I can't believe you." Blaise said, sounding angry. Draco flinched.

"Are you mad?"

"Yes, I'm mad! You keep everything from me, it's like we're not even friends anymore! We've been friends ever since we were little, I thought that would mean more to you!"


"No." Blaise got up. "Me, who has been your friend forever, doesn't know anything about what's happening to you but Potter, who has been your enemy forever seems to know more about you today than I do!"

"Blaise please." Draco begged, voice cracking. He grabbed Blaise's arm. Blaise yanked it out if Dracos hold.

"No, Draco. I don't like this, I don't like all the fucking secrets you keep, do you not trust me?"

"Blaise I trust you--"

"Then why? Then why can't you tell me anything?"

"Because you could die!" Draco shouted, tears in his eyes, he covered his face, doing his best not to just let it all out. "You could die, Blaise! If you knew too much, and I can't loose you, you're my best friend. Im not about to loose you permanently, not after everything we've been tbrough." Blaise's eyes widened, he sat down next to Draco, sighing.

"Just tell me something, anything, I don't want to be in the dark, I want to know what's happening with you." Draco looked up at Blaise, eyes red. Wiping his nose with his hand, he nodded.

"Okay." He said, nose stuffy. "My father visited, he had caught me and Potter hanging out, then he threatened that if I hung out with Potter again, he would punish me and not just me but people i love. And the reason I've been hanging out with Potter is because we know a way to stop the war quickly, hopefully before it starts." Blaise's eyes widened.

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