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Draco opened his eyes, seeing the white ceiling of the hospital wing. How had he gotten here? Why couldn't he remember anything? Why was he here? Then, in a flood of memories, he remembered everything. The flames that surrounded him. The voices he had heard when he had, not really been asleep, but not awake either. They had said he burnt anyone who came too close, came to touch him, because he thought himself worthless. He had heard Dumbledore say that he could only wake up if he accepted himself. So did that mean he did accept himself? He felt fine and didn't hate himself as much, which was a good sign he guessed.

Draco sat up, stretching and feeling as if he had just woken up from the dead, he loved the feeling of having control over his body again. Madam Pomfrey rushed over when her spells alerted her that Draco had indeed woken up. Draco looked up when he heard a hurried rustle of feet and smiled at Madam Pomfrey, relieved to at least see someone who was real and not just from his dreams. Speaking of dreams, what had that one been? He had a peculiar dream with Harry in it. Why couldn't he remember it? He decided to focus on that later and get back to the present; his mind had been wondering a lot lately.

"How are you feeling, Malfoy?" The medi-witch asked, not unkindly.

"Full of energy; refreshed." Pomfrey nodded her head.

"Only makes sense. After all that--sleep. Well, I just have to cast a few spells over you and then your free to go to do as you wish. Of course I dont recomend it, having just woken up and all" Draco nodded, amused, he had to leave though, to show his friends he was okay, he knew they would probably be worried sick about him. She started casting spells, moving her wand over and around him, not unlike the way she had moved it around him in second year when he had broke his arm in that bloody quidditch game. Ah, he still wished that the only things he had to worry about was beating Pot--Harry in a quidditch game; now he had to worry about his family, friends, life, The Dark Lord, what he--was. He sighed, why did life have to be so complicated?

"You gave us all quite a fright, you did." Pomfreys voice took him out of his thoughts and he looked at her confused for a moment, before he realized what she had been talking about. "We all thought--thought you wouldn't make it." She swallowed. "Potter also visited you quite often, he even fell asleep in a chair that was put beside your bed. Been in a right fright, he has. When you leave I suggest checking in with him, tell him your okay. It'll relieve him. He's had these--awful bags under his eyes, looking in a right state." Draco nodded, curious as to why Harry would even care. Maybe it was because he had found something...

When she had finished casting all her spells on Draco she sighed and smiled at him, the relief still on her face. "You may go. I think lunch is still going, you best eat something."

"Thank you, madam Pomfrey." Draco said, nodding his head at her in respect. She nodded her head back before turning back to a rather sick looking third year boy who had been laying on the bed next to Draco's.

As Draco made his way to the great hall he heard a pounding of feet behind him, sounding like multiple people; he turned around, on guard. It was just Pansy and Blaise. He sighed, relieved, sliding his wand back up his sleeve which he had put in his hand when he had heard the footsteps pounding behind him.

Pansy crushed him in a choking hug, feeling like she was breaking all his ribs. "Ah! Pansy--can't breathe." Pansy let go of him, looking at him with worry. Blaise then did a quite awkward pat on the back, much to Draco's amusement.

"Here I am--good as new." But Pansy was staring at the marks around his eyes. "What?" Draco said, nervous.

"Their so--so beautiful, the marks! Especially around your eyes, their like a purple with specks of silver mixed with it, I've never seen anything like it--and your eyes!" She gasped, holding his face, her thumbs underneath his eyes. "Their so silver, with some purple in them as well, like around the pupil, then the outside fades into silver its--so pure looking!" Draco laughed nervously, taking Pansys hands off his face.

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