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Draco sat underneath the tree that was near the great lake, resting in the shade, one of the five books Dumbledore had given him propped open in his lap. He had learned that he would, in fact, have to try and control his emotions, meaning not to get too angry. If he did too get angry the marks around his eyes would glow an angry red and his eyes would also change to a color that depended on the persons personality when they were angry. He still didn't know what color his eyes would change to.

Draco was thankful to Dumbledore though, he had, like he had promised, talked to the professors and Draco assumed they had talked to the kids because, despite all the staring, no one had come up to him to ask him about it. Though sometimes he would look up to see Pansy staring at him, silently begging him to tell her what happened and what those marks were. Blaise, on the other hand, didn't. Sensing Draco didn't want to talk about it, he would just act as if it was a normal day and talk about the gossip like usual, not even doing secret glances at his marks like most kids had been doing when they thought he hadn't been looking. Draco, who would never admit to it, was actually thankful for Blaise and his understanding, he didn't want Blaise and Pansy to think he was a freak when he, or if he, told them about his...freakishness.

Dumbledore may have told him he was a miracle but he didn't believe it. He just thought that he was a freak of nature, which was pretty ironic because he was technically born from nature herself, from dragons.

Draco sighed, resting his head against the tree. He couldn't believe he had dragon genes in him, that was just too much to handle at the moment. "Oy!" Said a voice, interrupting his thoughts and Draco turned, seeing Weasel with Granger and Potter. It had been weasel who had spoken.

"What do you want?" Draco asked, not in the mood to deal with the golden trio. He didn't want to get to angry and then flash them his freakishness when he got too mad.

"Nothing from you. I was just wondering what you were doing here, you never sit here, and we were going to sit here, so...can you move?" Draco looked up at them and sighed. He really didn't want to do this right now but if he said no that would make him the bad guy then, next thing you know, there would be a big fight because he didn't want to move.

"And why, may I ask, can you not move somewhere else to sit?"

"Look, we don't want trouble--"

"Then stop starting it." Draco interuppted and went looked back down to his book, acting like he was reading.

"Malfoy," Potter said but Draco didn't look up. "Draco" he said when Draco didn't look up at him. Draco snapped his head up, narrowing his eyes at him. "Look, if you don't want to move, that's fine. But, this is the one place I can learn to focus and relax when I practice magic for homework so, if you won't move, can we sit next to you then." Harry looked anxious and Ron snapped his head to Harry, his face twisting into a sneer, not wanting to sit with Draco. Granger on the other hand was going through her bag, trying to find something and, if she did notice the tension, she didn't seem to care.

"...Fine, I'll move. I was just about to go anyway." Draco snapped, grabbing his stuff, putting it all in his bag which, a moment after he picked it up, split open. Ron started laughing and Hermione snapped her head up, seeing his bag ripped open and she looked amused but she smacked Ron on the back of the head.

"Oh, Ron. It's not funny, stop laughing." Ron snorted, but stopped laughing. Harry on the other hand bent down to help Draco, picking up his things. "Harry," Harry looked up at Hermione, "we're going to go sit down." Harry nodded and Ron and Hermione went to sit down.

A moment after they left Draco snapped, "I don't need your help."

"I know." Draco looked up at Harry, surprised. "I just--I need to tell you something. Last night I had a--a dream about you..." Harry trailed off, his face red. He didn't meet Dracos eyes, which were wide and his face was red too.

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