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"WHAT!?" Harry shouted, outraged, while Draco stayed quiet, trying to understand what Dumbledore had just said. He could distantly hear Harry talking loudly to Dumbledore but he was lost in his own thoughts. So, he was a Spiritus Draconis, probably the last one if what Dumbledore said was true about not having a Spiritus Draconis since more than a million years ago. Voldemort was born a Spiritus Tenebris and that would mean his actions were controlled by whatever darkness that was in Spiritus Tenebris'.

Draco distantly remembered Dumbledore saying there was a very advanced spell that could heal the Spiritus Tenebris', it had be quite a long chant of words that he couldn't understand, did that mean he would have to heal Voldemort with that same spell? Was that even possible? He was born a Spiritus Tenebris, which he had learned was rare, almost as rare as having a Spiritus Draconis these days in the wizarding world. Draco sighed, annoyed, stressed, confused, angry, and, most of all, scared.

There was one way to end the war, he guessed; by healing Voldemort and saying that spell Dumbledore had told him about, when he had been telling Draco the story behind his heritage. "Draco? Your being awfully quiet, I must say I'm surprised, I thought you would be more--vocal." Dumbledores twinkling blue eyes went to Harry when he said this, who was fuming in his chair, his arms crossed.

"What was that spell you had taught me? That would--heal a Spiritus Tenebris?" Dumbledore smiled.

"You've caught on quick, so you know your supposed to heal Voldemort? I wish there was another way Draco, a better way, but this--this is the only way I could think of and connect to a way to end the war." Draco nodded, seeing a fire in his eyes that he hadn't noticed before.

"What will happen when I say the spell, chant? To heal Voldemort?" Draco asked, curious.

"I have yet to know, Draco." Draco sighed. He should have known, of course Dumbledore wouldn't know, he may know a lot of things but he didn't know everything; he already knew a lot of things as it was.

Harry looked between them, was he missing something? He looked confused and Draco snapped,

"I'll explain later, right now I just have to think." He got up and walked out, feeling pressured. He was by no means a fighter like Harry was; he was a Slytherin, he wasn't one to just run off like some bloody no-headed chicken into danger like Harry Potter. He wished he had courage, the confidence, but he was a coward, if anything were to happen he didn't think he would be able to face it, he would run away.

He kicked the ground, accidently running into someone, not seeing where he was going being to lost in his thoughts. He snapped his head up to see Granger and Weasel, he looked away, fuming. The last thing he needed was for Weasel to be accusing him of running into her on purpose, starting a fight in the process.

"Sorry." Draco mumbled, just wanting to go somewhere, somewhere alone; somewhere he could think. Hermione's eyes widened then softened,

"Its alright, do you know where Harry is?" Draco looked at her in surprise, then Ron, who, surprisingly, hadn't said anything rude yet, but who was staring at his marks intently.

"Um, yeah. He should be coming out of Dumbledore' s office in a moment--oh there he is." He pointed to Harry who was walking down the hall, still looking mad. Hermione smiled, in understanding.

"Thank you, Draco." Draco nodded confused.

"Thanks, Ferret." Ron mumbled, but it didn't seem bitter, instead it just sounded--friendly. Draco stood in confusion for a moment before his eyes widening in understanding. They knew, they knew damn it. Harry told them? Why? How? Draco had told him a secret, and he had told his friends about him, when he said he wouldn't. He felt his anger boil, his skin turning hot due to the anger. Draco walked right up to Harry.

"You told?" He hissed, his eyes watering from humiliation. Harrys eyes widened before turning to Hermione and Ron.

"You told him that I told?" Hermione shook her head frantically, looking in between Draco and Harry, Ron shook his head along with Hermione as well.

"Why would you tell? I told you not too! I told you a secret that I--I can barely tell to my friends! I trusted you with this! Damn it! But no, you and your stupid nosey self just had too tell your bloody, stupid friends."

"Don't talk about my friends like that!" Harry snapped back.

"Your missing the point!" Draco said, feeling weak and vulnerable. " You said you wouldn't tell."

"They can keep your secret, Draco. We can help you--"

"I DON'T NEED HELP!" Draco bellowed, he was sick of needing help, he was sick of counting on other people. He wanted to be independent, he wanted to be free. Harry was about to say something when Draco help up his hand. "No, you know what? Tell everybody, tell everybody how much of a freak I am. Tell everybody how weak, stupid, and worthless I am. See if I care? Because I can handle just about anything, Harry. So throw something, anything, at me, because I will hit you ten times harder. I am stronger than you think!" Dracos voice was cracking now, trying to keep his confidence.

"Draco I--"

"I'm never talking to you again." Draco huffed angrily. Harry stared at him for a moment before a snort escaped. He tried to hold it in, but soon, he was laughing full out now.

"I'm sorry, Draco. Your just too adorable right now. Adorable and childish."

"How dare you. I am not adorable nor childish." Draco snapped. Ron snorted while Hermione had her lips pressed together. Draco felt humiliated, trapped. He turned around, stalking away, towards the astronomy tour. Couldn't they see he was hurting? He was alone, and they were laughing at him?

Once he was he was up at the astronomy tower he looked out at the view below him. He could end it all right now. He wouldn't have too end the war. He wouldn't have to be a nuisance to everyone. He stepped close to the edge. If he died right now his parents wouldn't be in so much danger, he was worthless anyway. He gulped down a sob and stepped even closer, tempted to just jump. He thought things would get better, he thought things wouldn't be so heavy on his shoulders. This was supposed to be Harrys job, not his. Harry was supposed to be the one who saves everyone. Harry was the brave one. The good looking one. The nice one, the one who had something to live for, what did Draco have? Nothing, like him.

Draco choked down on a sob, and stepped closer, one more step then it would all be over. Peace would then overcome him, he would see his grandparent, Abraxes and ask him questions. He would see other family members that he didn't know, he would ask them what it would be like back then, what they did and what they conquered; to know if they ever did something important unlike him.

It took everything Draco had to step away, he put his arms around himself, sliding down and crying, sobbing. Was this what life had come too? From a happy little boy with big dreams too a young man where it took everything he had everyday not just to end it all? God, he was pathetic, pathetic, worthless, stupid, and nothing. He kept sobbing, why now? Why did he have to become like this? How did he become like this? He pulled at his hair, then slapped his hands on the floor beneath him, as hard as he could. He felt a sting in his hands but kept going, until his hands were numb.

It was a while before he came down to his dormitory, and when he arrived down there he ignored everyone asking how he was, ignored pansy and Blaise, wanting to be alone. He went into bed, hoping to fall asleep, and never wake up....

Sorry, I made this chapter dark, but I've been listening to sad music, and all my chapters are inspired by music, which is my escape. Love all you! ALSO SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS SO SHORT! ^^

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