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"That doesn't make any sense, the only people who know about you is me, Hermion, Ron, and you--and I know I didn't tell anyone." Harry said, his brows furrowed, deep in thought. Draco was frowning, feeling scared, worried, anxious, confused, and with more questions than answers at this point.

"I want to meet the others--if their are any." Draco just said, feeling excited when he thought of people like him. The fact that there might be others, unknown, but like him made him feel like he wasn't as much of a freak. He slowly put his fingers to his face, where he knew his markings were.

"It just--this whole thing doesn't make sense." Harry said, rubbing at his face in a frustrated way. "First Dumbledore says there hasn't been one of you around for, like, a million years, then we learn how their might be more of you and that you could possibly be experimented on and could possibly be in danger, and now someone else knows and is trying to warn you. I just don't get it. And I don't understand what that rock has anything to do with you or your kind..." Harry trailed off, leaning his head into his arms. Draco sighed, annoyed now.

"Stop being so selfish and arrogant, I'm the one who's having to deal with all this, just because you could possibly be my mate..." Draco looked at Harry, eyes wide with excitement. Harry eyed him weirdly.

"What?" He said cautiously.

"I know how we can tell for sure if we're mates."

"How?" Harry asked, feeling excited too.

"We would have to go to Gringotts, but there's this blood test they do where they drop your blood on a special piece of paper and it tells you if you have any mates--it's quite cool actually." Harry stood still, deep in thought.

"Huh." He said, intrigued. "We really need to make a list of all the things we have to do, I mean, seriously." Draco chuckled, nodding his head.

"Yeah, but I think first we should go to Hogsmeade with the rest of the class, then apparate at Gringotts to see--but your invisibility cloak too." Harry nodded his head, making noise if agreement, but stopped.

"The Hogsmeade trip isn't until two weeks though, the quidditch game being this weekend."

"Oh yeah." Draco said, making an annoyed face. "About that, I'm so going to win." Harry rolled his eyes, snorting.

"Even when you find out you could be in serious danger, you can't help but bet against me." Draco shrugged.

"I don't know, I really think I'm going to get this one--i've been practicing quite a lot for this one, Harry."

"You have never even won one game, Draco." Draco glared, putting the book and everything into his bag, cleaning up, not wanting to have evidence of them being here past curfew.

"Shut it." Harry shrugged.

"Just saying."

"Just saying." Draco mimicked, rolling his eyes. "I tell you, Potter, I'm going to win, and win good." Harry smirked, shrugging.

"Okaaay, whatever you say." Harry said, laughing. Draco tried to laugh as well but he was too tired. Yawning, he stretched, shaking his head after wards. "Its late, we should head back to our common rooms." Draco nodded, talking to Harry through his yawning.

"We're going to discuss everything tomorrow, right?" Harry nodded, putting his invisibility cloak on around his shoulders, his head the only thing Draco could see. "That's so creepy." He said, shivering uncomfortably. Harry laughed.

"Read some of that book also--that I found. It might come in handy, I'm also going to discuss with Dumbledore about--"

"No!" Draco shouted hurriedly. Harry looked at Draco quizzicaly. "It would be best if you didn't talk to him about any of this, just our little secret." Harry snorted.

"I wouldn't call this secret little but okay." Draco nodded his head, feeling relieved that Harry had agreed not to talk to Dumbeldore. Draco just felt like he couldn't trust him. "Okay," Harry sighed out, yawning this time. "I'm going to call it a night. Good night Draco." Harry said, and, before Draco could wish Harry good night back, he leaned forward and kissed Draco on the cheek, leaving Draco without a voice. When Draco didn't immediately respond, Harry just smiled affectionately at him and left, leaving Draco alone with his very confusing thoughts.


By the time Draco was in bed he wasn't tired anymore, the only thing he could think about was the kiss on the cheek Harry had given him. His face was burning and he could tell he was blushing.

Why would Harry do that? Perhaps it was just out of sympathy because of everything that had happened and all the stuff they found out about tonight. Or maybe it was because it was so late Harry wasn't thinking right.

Either way, Draco couldn't help but smile, putting his face in the blanket that had been resting on his bed, feeling giddy. He knew he would be staying up quite late tonight, and when or if he did somehow fell asleep he would dream about a certain green eyed wizard. But that left one more question.

Did Draco have a crush on Harry?


Draco woke up, feeling very tired having only gotten two hours of sleep. But as soon as he awoke, he remembered last night, making him feel flustered. He thought it to be pathetic that only one kiss on the cheek could make him feel all flustered.

He got up, throwing on his Slytherin robe and walked up to the great hall. Lost in his thoughts he accidently ran into someone, looking up he saw it was Harry.

"Why did you do it?" Slipped out of his mouth before he could even think about it. Harry looked taken aback.

"Do what?"

"Oh, don't pretend to not know what I'm talking about." Draco glared at Harry but his was half--heartedly. "Why did you kiss me on the cheek? It's weird." Draco made a face, but it wasn't a face of disgust more like a face with no experience. Harry couldn't help but chuckle, making Draco glare at him harder. "Oh think this is funny, do you?" Harry sighed.


"Oh, don't you 'oh Draco' me. I have every right to be freaking out--you just randomly kissed my cheek out of nowhere with no explanation or anything, then you just leave and you make me suffer by wanting to know why you did it. And now you're laughing at me." Draco said in a huff, Harry pressed his lips together trying not to laugh. "Ugh, just apologize for being weird."

"Okay, I'm sorry for showing you affection." Draco stamped his foot.

"You can't show me that kind of affection! Only if we we're dating!" Silence hung in the air, suffocating both of them. Draco opened his mouth the say something then closed it, not knowing what to say.

"I--I have to, uh, go..." Harry said, pointing behind his shoulder with his thumb, making a weird face.

"Y--yeah me too--to class I mean." Draco nervously laughed then hurriedly walked away. Oh great, now things were going to be awkward between them.

Why did Draco always have to screw stuff up?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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