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Draco was staring blankly at his food in the great hall for dinner, Blaise and Pansy chatting, not noticing Dracos mood. Draco looked up to the Gryffindor table, where Harry was sitting. His eyes met emerald ones, he felt himself shiver but didn't look away, knowing his eyes must be red. Harry looked away, saying something to Ron, Hermione scowling as she got out her book, Ron snickering. Draco sighed, poking his fork in his food, catching his friends attention.

"You okay, my little dragon?" Pansy asked, Draco rolled his eyes up to the ceiling.

"I will be when you stop calling me that."

"Oh, but it's true." Draco sighed, making Blaise chuckle. Draco glared at him, turning around when he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning around he saw it was the same Ravenclaw that had told him he was wanted in Dumbledores office when he saw his father.

"Here's a note from Dumbledore, I was requested to give it to you." The Ravenclaw said, tensly, his face uncomfortable, wincing when Draco glared at him but grabbed the note out of his hands.

"Thanks." Draco said, turning back around, not paying any attention to the Ravenclaw anymore, starting to open the letter. It said:

Draco, I would like it if you could come into my office tonight around 10:00. See you tonight, Harry will be there as well.

Draco sighed, putting the letter in his pocket. "Whose it from?" Blaise asked the same time Pansy asked "What's it say?" Draco rolled his eyes, thinking up a quick lie.

"Its from mother, saying she will be able to visit soon."

"Oh." The both said simply.

"Malfoy." He heard a deep voice behind him, turning around again he saw it was Snape. "Can we talk? Alone?" He said in that slow greasy tone of his.

"Yeah, bye Blaise, Pansy." Draco got up, following Snape out of the great hall. As they walked down to the dungeons Draco asked, "what do we need to talk about?" Snape looked at him from the corner of his eye.

"Ever since you passed out we haven't spoken, I have been, ah, worried, I guess." Draco raised his eyebrows, but then furrowed them.

"I'm sorry, it's just so much has been going on, with father and all." Snape gave him a harsh look.

"Yes, he told me about you and Harry hanging out and said for me to keep an eye on you. To make sure it doesn't happen again, he seems quite against it, you and Harry being friends."

"Yeah, well, you or my father don't have to worry anymore." Snape raised an eyebrow.


"I've told him that I didn't like him and would hate to be his friend, that we were only people just trying to figure things out about what's happening to me, that's it. He--" Draco sighed. "You should have seen the look he gave me." Draco whispered, being led into Snapes office, Snape closing the door behind them, sitting at his desk. Gesturing for Draco to sit on the chair across from him.

"How did he exactly react?" Snape said, curious.

"Offended, trying to be more hopeful for us becoming friends, but then I said some pretty offensive stuff and he called me a freak, for which I am and deserve but..." he sighed, making circular patterns on Snaps desk. "It hurt." He ended, saying the last part so quietly Snape had to strain his ears to hear.

"I'm sorry, Draco. That you're caught up in all this but, we have to remember, to not let this get out of control. Your father works for Voldemort, who, at this very moment, is planning murder, more specifacly, Harrys murder." Draco winced. "Your dad cannot know what is happening, or what we are planning to do, because he will tell Voldemort who will kill us. Immediately. The only way to stop this war, is for Harry to want to work with the people he must in order to make this war and before it even starts. Do you understand what I'm getting at here?" Draco blinked, Snape sighed. "I will cover for you, to Lucius I will say that their back to being enemies, but to you, I say this, be on good terms with Harry, because that will be our advantage, and you might actually be happy because right now, Draco, it seems like you aren't."

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