Tourist Trapped

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AN: Hello! So as it says, this is a retelling of RF in the Deaf Stans AU. Everything is told from Stan's/Ford's/Stan and Ford's POV. Basically, any scene that doesn't have one of the Stans in it isn't included (possible exceptions apply) and there will be missing dialog. Stan and Ford always sign with their words when they're around each other. They only talk out loud if there's hearing people around. The others don't yet sign all the time. Mabel only signs occasional words.

Ah, summer. A time for leisure, recreation, and taking 'er easy.

Unless you're me.

A golf cart with two boys on it crashed through a sign reading 'Welcome To Gravity Falls'. The boys- seemingly twins- screamed as the golf cart flew through the air. A giant monster chased them as the golf cart hit the ground. One of the twins' hands moved to form sign language as he yelled.

"Stan, I can't pay attention to you talking if I'm driving!" The other twin snapped. The cart flew off a rock.

My name is Stanford. The boy about to puke is my brother, Stanley. If you're curious about the sign language, we're deaf. You may also be wondering what we're doing on a golf cart, fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror.

An uprooted tree flew over the golf cart, landing in front of its path. Stanley cried out (probably) and pointed ahead at it.

Rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation.

Let's rewind. It all started when our ma decided we could use some fresh air.

Stanley and Stanford were in their living room at home. Stanley was playing a video game, while Stanford had his face buried in a book. Their mom pulled away both of these items and shoved bags into their arms.

So she shipped us from our home in New Jersey to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls, Oregon. We were to stay at our Great Aunt Mabel's house in the woods all summer.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack!" Mabel greeted happily, slowly signing along with her words. "Did I do it right?"

Stanley and Stanford looked at each other, smiling.

"It was great," Stanford told Mabel, signing as well.


This attic is amazing! Stanley signed after taping a bunch of posters to the wall on his side of the room. Look, splinters!

He held up his hands, showing a bunch of splinters. Stanford was looking around as he walked to his bed. He jumped backwards upon seeing it.

And there's a pig on my bed, he signed. The pig jumped to the floor as Stanley walked over.

"Hey there, friend," Stanley said as the pig clamped his mouth onto his shirt. "Oh, yes you can keep chewing on my shirt!"

My brother tended to look on the bright side of things.

Stanley rolled happily down a hill, likely yelling as he did so. Stanford was nearby, a pen in his mouth as he looked at a book, sitting against a tree. A woodpecker tapped at his head.

But I had a hard time getting used to our new surroundings. It wasn't all bad, though. Our Great Aunt Mabel had turned her house into a tourist trap she calls 'The Mystery Shack.' Only two kids our age work there, but they're pretty cool.

Back at the shack, a boy with glasses was working on fixing something. However, that something gave a small explosion and started admitting smoke. The entire room filled with it, causing the boy to start coughing.

Relativity Falls: Deaf Stans Season 1Where stories live. Discover now