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AN: I thought that Ford would have a bit of trouble reciting spells, since they're unfamiliar words and he can't hear if they sound correct. Idk if that's how it works, but... that's what happens. There might be a slight warning for ableism? It is Bill, after all.

Rain fell onto the roof of the shack. Some of it dripped into the attic, but luckily there were bowls to catch the water. Ford, Fiddleford, Stan, and Bella sat on the floor, playing Conflict Boat in teams.

"How about...?" Ford looked over at his teammate.

"B5?" Fiddleford guessed.

"Miss!" Stan said. He stuck a peg to the board.

"Our turn!" Bella said. There was a pause as Bella and Fiddleford listened to someone.

"Mabel wants us quick," Bella said. The kids walked down to the living room to see Mabel watching TV. Mabel laughed.

"I need you to laugh at this with me!" She pointed to the TV, where a commercial for the Tent O' Telepathy was playing.

"Who's cute as a button, and always your friend? Little B-U-D to the-e D-Y! Wink!" Buddy sung on TV.

"Lil Buddy!" Gideon said off screen.

"Ugh, Buddy," Stan rolled his eyes.

"Remember when I wouldn't date him and he tried to destroy us?" Bella asked.

"He's always trying to trick me into losing the shack," Mabel said.

"One time I caught him stealing my lotion," Dan said, leaning on the chair.

"And yet, our mutual hatred for him bonds us together," Ria smiled.

"Come on down to Li'l Buddy's Tent O' Telepathy, opening soon at this location," Gideon said on TV. A Tent O' Telepathy fell down and crushed the Mystery Shack.

"Should we be worried about that?" Ford asked.

"Please," Mabel scoffed. "The only way Buddy is taking over this shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed."

"...Ya mean like right now?" Fiddleford asked.


Buddy was in Mabel's office, trying to open her glitter-covered safe.

"Buddy!" Mabel said. The boy jumped, spinning around. Mabel and the others were standing in the doorway.

"Well well, Mabel, my arch-nemesis," Buddy said. "We seem to have entered a dangerous game of cat and house. But the question remains, who is the cat, and who is the-?"

"Ria, broom," Mabel said, holding out her hand.

"Oh no, not the broom!" Buddy cried. Mabel started chasing him around the room with the broom. Buddy hissed at her, but she hit him twice with the broom. Buddy ran out the door, being chased by the older woman.

"You mark my words, Mabel!" Buddy yelled, standing in the rain. "One day I will get that combination. And once I steal that deed, you'll never see the Mystery Shack again!"

"Good luck, bucko!" Mabel laughed, closing the door.


Mabel, the kids, and Dan were watching TV in the living room. Dan and Ford shot lacklusterly at each other with Nyarf dart guns.

"He put the 'old' in 'Old West'," a man on TV said. "They call him Grandpa the Kid!"

"I'm tired during the day," Grandpa the Kid said.

Relativity Falls: Deaf Stans Season 1Where stories live. Discover now